Mr. C's Expectations
More Expectations
Even More Expectations
About Mr.Cambambia
What do you do when you need help and Mr.C is giving a lesson?
You write your name and task you need help with on the parking lot white board.
Where do I turn in completed work?
You turn it in to the briefcases that are labeled by grade level. Find your name and place it in the correct file.
What do you do after Mr.C gives me a thumbs up to go the potty?
You need to sign out using the Bathroom log by the door. You must write your name and the time.
What do you do if you don't know word while you are working or reading?
Get a dictionary from the reference section. Your brain will thank you.
What are Mr. Cambambia's 2 favorite genres to read?
Scary fiction and biographies.
What do you need to do if you have a question/comment and Mr. C or someone is else is talking?
You raise your hand!!
What information should be on every completed work?
Your name and date
What do you need to do during working time?
You need to work quietly, independently, and in your seat.
What do you do if you want to borrow one of Mr.C's books from his awesome library?
Ask me to check it out using my phone. This is to prevent those awesome books from getting lost forever.
What is Mr. C's favorite saying?
"Be a problem solver!!!"
What are some things that you need to do while walking down the hallway?
You must walk in Proud pose, in a straight line, and voices off.
What is my homework for Mr.C?
Reading everyday and keeping up with your reading log in your planner. You will write the name of the book and pages read that day.
Can you work with a buddy and sit on the floor while you work?
You can if I have stated that everyone may work with a partner and work wherever they want in the room.
What do you need to bring to class everyday?
1. A book to read 2. Pencil Box with your headphones and flash drive inside 3. Your planner 4. Workplan Folder
Who were Mr.Cambambia's 2 favorite authors as a child?
Roadl Dahl and Lemony Snicket
What do you do if you need to get water or go to the restroom?
Raise three fingers up in the air for water. You raise two crossed fingers up in the air for the bathroom.
What should you bring back every morning?
My blue take home folder and planner signed by your parents. Do not lose any of these items. Lets be responsible. We are in Upper EL.
What do you need to do and bring to a lesson?
You need to respect lesson time because I respect your working time. You need to bring your planner, a clipboard, and a pencil to every lesson.
What are those awesome cubbies by the Geography Shelf for?
Those awesome cubbies file holders are for you to store your: 1. Workplan folder with your uncompleted work inside. 2. Reading Notebook 3. Grammar/Writing Notebook
What did Mr.C do this summer?
I went to Montessori Training in Houston ALL SUMMER!
What should you always do during restoring time?
Clean up your work area, put materials up, and make sure your work is inside your folder. Don't lose your work. If i see it on the floor, I will throw it away.
Do you need your planner just for Mr. C's class?
No! You need to take your planner to Mrs. Smith's room and to specials.
Can you sharpen your pencil at any time?
No! Sharpen your two pencils in the morning. You will be given 2 pencils every six weeks. Please take care of them. At the end of the six weeks, you will turn in your stubbies and I will provide you with two new ones.
Should you use any inappropriate language in school? Or make fun of anyone in class, just to be rude?
NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This behavior will not be tolerated! We are Montessorians. We are going to treat each other with respect. Treat others the way you want to be treated.
How old is Mr. C?
85.....JK 26