Stores urin until the body is ready to release it.
The control center of the body.
What is the brain?
Absorbs water and nutrients from the soil, also anchors the plant in place.
What are roots?
The male reproductive structure of a flowering plant.
What is the stamen?
Vertebrates with hair or fur. Mostly give live birth and feed their babies milk from their mother.
What are mammals?
Pumps blood throughout the body.
Produces movement by connecting your bones together.
What are muscles?
Helps the plant reproduce by attracting pollinators and making seeds.
What are flowers?
The female reproductive structure of a flowering plant.
What is the pistil?
Vertebrates with smooth, moist skin who lay eggs in water and breathe through gills when young and lungs as adults.
What are amphibians?
Cleans the blood coming frmo the digestive system and makes bile.
What is the liver?
Take in oxygen and expels carbon dioxide.
Makes food for the plant using photosynthesis.
What are leaves?
The female reproductive organ of a plant that produces and contains egg cells.
What is the ovary?
Vertebrates with fethers and wings.
What are birds?
Digests and absorbs nutrients from food.
What is the small intesting?
Helps with digestion by secreting enzymes to process sugar.
What is the pancreas?
Transports water and nutrients throughout the plant.
What is the stem?
To transfer pollen from the male reproductive structure to the female reproductive structure to fertilize flowering plants.
What is pollination?
Vetebrates with segmented bodies, exoskeletons, and jointed legs.
What are arthropods?
Helps balance the salts and acids in the body by filtering blood.
What are the kidneys?
Keeps germs and foreign objects from entering the human body.
What is skin?
A seed like structure that produces a new plant (e.g. ferns or mosses).
What are spores?
A young plant tha tis not yet producing flowers.
What is a seedling?
Vetebrates that breathe using lungs, have dry skin with scales.
What are reptiles?