Ancient Greece
The Roman Kingdom
The Roman Empire

Although not specifically stated in Ms Navratil's lesson on Mesopotamia, this is the name of the song parodied in the Mesopotamia song video.

What is Crank That -Soulja Boy


This sporting competition was first introduced in Ancient Greece and is still held in the modern day.

What is the Olympic Games


The Roman Kingdom was located in what is known as this country in the modern day.

What is Italy


This powerful leader was responsible for the transition from the Roman Republic to the Roman Empire.

Who is Julius Caesar


Mesopotamia was located between these 2 rivers.

What are the Euphrates and Tigris rivers


In Mr D's Ancient Greece slideshow, he included a movie poster featuring this figure of Greek mythology.

Who is Hercules


The highest position in the Roman Kingdom 

What is a monarch or king


Although similar to the title of the ruler of the Roman Kingdom, the ruler of the Roman Empire was referred to as this.

What is an Emperor


This Mesopotamian invention, made from reeds, was used for writing.

What is Cuneiform


This Greek general conquered many lands and became the self-proclaimed king of Persia and Pharoah of Egypt among other accomplishments.

Who is Alexander the Great


This group of government officials were appointed by the king and advised the king on decisions (kind of)

What is the senate


These 2 forms of entertainment were very popular among the Romans (you only need to know one)

What are gladiator fights and chariot races


This list of laws named after a king was one of the earliest examples of the concept, "innocent until proven guilty"?

What is Hammurabi's Code


These two city-states were the most prominent in Ancient Greece. One is known as a hub for great wisdom and knowledge, the other for their military and emphasis on discipline.

What is Athens and Sparta


These 3 social classes made up the society of not only the Roman Kingdom, but also the Roman Empire.

What are slaves, plebians and patricians


This great structure which is still standing today was used to host great battles between man and beast as well as man v man combat

What is the Colesseum


This famous ancient Mesopotamian city was known for its hanging gardens, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

What is Babylon


IN THE FABLE, this many Spartans held their own against millions of Persians.

What is 300


This piece of clothing was commonly worn by the romans and resembeled a robe

What is a tunic

Julius Caesar accidentally burnt down this great hub of knowledge during his conquest into Egypt
What is The Library of Alexandria