During this phase the candidate will demonstrate their positive changes.
Acclimation Phase
How many Core Components are there?
Eight (8)
This Core Component helps cadets understand the importance of helping their community.
Service to Community
1. Cadet Handbook
2. Job Book
Recite the Cadet Creed...
Candidates who successfully graduate Acclimation earn the distinction of being called Cadet in this phase.
Residential Phase
This Core Component includes understanding personal finance, interviewing for jobs, and citizenship.
Life Coping Skills
This Core Component deals with proper nutrition, substance abuse, and well-being.
Health and Hygiene
What is the Cadet Motto?
Deeds Not Words
Those professionals who guide us and look out for us before and after class are called...
In the Residential Phase cadets are issued their ________ so they may fully present their Military Bearing.
This Core Component includes showing growth from TABE # 1 and TABE # 2.
Educational Excellence
This Core Component helps cadets enhance physical endurance, stamina, and strength.
Physical Fitness
Recite the Cadet Honor Code...
"I, ___ pledge to uphold the Honor Code of the NJ YCA. Honesty is the foundation of a strong moral character. I will not cheat, lie, or steal. I will immediately report any violation that comes to my attention."
On the front of our uniforms cadets display the honors they have earned; these are referred to as ...
After their first day at YCA candidates complete a two-week phase called...
Acclimation Phase
Completion of this Core Component cadets should be able to identify various careers available to YCA graduates.
Job Skills
This Core Component includes knowledge of the US Government and their participation in it.
Responsible Citizenship
Which of the following is NOT one of the Cadet General Orders?
* I will think before I act.
* I will never tell the truth
* I will perform my duties in a military manner
I will never tell the truth
Like the US Army, cadets do not eat in a cafeteria; they eat in a ...
DFAC (or Chow Hall)
At graduation day cadets have successfully completed this phase of the YCA.
Residential Phase
This Core Component helps cadets develop leadership skills and the importance of being able to follow instruction.
Leadership / Followship
While not a requirement, most cadets work to pass this test so they may earn their NJ High School Diploma.
Name the six Academy Core Values:
1. Ambition 4. Independence
2. Self-Belief 5. Responsibility
3. Perseverance 6. Effort
Cadets do not use the bathroom at YCA; it's called...
The Latrine