This is Mr. E's favorite food.
Cajun shrimp and grits from Harry's in St. Augustine...with a little extra spice.
Mr. E's favorite place to go each summer.
Bar Harbor, Maine
Mr. E is a published writer. What has he written?
This is where Mr. E went to college.
University of Central Florida (UCF)
This is Mr. E's favorite movie.
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Mr. E's least favorite food.
Sea tastes like trash with the texture of wet dryer lint.
Mr. E's honeymoon was this location.
Cancun, Mexico
Mr. E's favorite video game growing up.
Mario Cart
Mr. E has teaching certification in what subject other than social studies?
This is Mr. E's favorite TV show.
A Bit of Fry and Laurie, starring Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry (English)
Mr. E's favorite flavor of birthday cake.
Mr. E's favorite vacation in Europe
Mr. E's favorite weekend hobby.
Hiking outdoors
The mascot of Mr. E's high school was what animal?
Mr. E's favorite horror movie.
Event Horizon
Mr. E's food allergies.
Mr. E's favorite thing to do in Rome.
Get lost through the streets and explore without a map or guide...
But also the catacombs were pretty cool!
Mr. E's favorite book.
Ulysses by James Joyce
Mr. E played what two sports in high school?
Baseball and football
Mr. E's favorite comedy movie.
Shawn of the Dead
Mr. E's favorite drink.
Mr. E's favorite national park.
Yosemite (California)
Mr. E's favorite vacation using a hobby.
Bicycling from Ontario to Quebec (in Canada)...over 150 miles.
What is Mr. E's college degree in?
English Creative Writing
Mr. E's favorite song.