Root Words
Text Structures
Figurative Language
Main Idea

graph means ____

to write or writing

On the other hand, similar, different, and however are signal words for which text structure?

Compare and contrast


Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get. 

What type of figurative language is this?



There is a lot to learn about plants people eat, such as how to grow them and how to prepare them for eating. Scientists can learn how to keep them safe to eat. Sometimes people who don’t know something can make a mistake. For example, some mushrooms are poisonous, and people need to know which those are so they don’t eat them. 

a. People need to know about plants and food.

b. Mushrooms are poisonous.

c. People eat plants.

d. People cook plants.

A. People need to know about plants and food


Which is an synonym for “careless”?

A. Lazy 

B. Diligent

C. Domestic 

D. Improvise

A. lazy


In the word thermometer, "therm" means ____.



Which of the following is NOT one of the text structures we have learned

A. Order and sequence

B. Problem and solution

C. Cause and effect

D. Issue and explanation

D. Issue and explanation


The terrifying creature's eyes were rubies shining in the darkness. 

What type of figurative language is this?



Athletes of the past and present have played a huge role in giving young people a voice and inspiring them to take action. Rock the Vote is teaming up with those in the sports world to empower and inspire a new generation.

What is the main idea of this excerpt?

A. The importance of playing a sport.  

B. Rock the Vote inspires young people to vote for athletes who want to run for office.

C. Athletes can help inspire young people to vote.

D.  The connection between rock music and playing sports.

C. Athletes can help inspire young people to vote.


Which is a synonym for “specific”?

A.  Preliminary 

B.  Drastic

C.  Prosper

D.  Distinct 

D. Distinct


In the word geographic, "geo" means ____.



Which of these signal words tells you you're reading a cause and effect article?

A. However

B. If ... then

C. Alike

D. Next ...  after

B. If ... then


The light danced on the surface of the water. 

What type of figurative language is this?



Science and engineering are providing us with increasingly clear pictures of how to solve many of our challenges, but policymakers are increasingly unwilling to pursue the remedies that scientific evidence suggests. Instead, they take one of two routes: deny the science, or pretend the problems don’t exist. 

What is the main issue?

A. Scientific discoveries are hard to explain.  

B. Solutions are being found, but politicians aren’t listening.  

C. The fields of science and engineering are respected by many.

D.  Many politicians began their careers in science and engineering.

B. Solutions are being found, but politicians aren't listening.


I took a leisurely walk around the park last Saturday, not caring what time I finished and went home. 

What does leisurely mean?

A. difficult

B. very long

C. relaxed

D. fast-paced

C. relaxed


In the word collective the root word "col" means what?



It was incredibly chilly and damp outside, so Ahmed built a big fire in his fireplace. 

What type of text structure does this passage use?

problem and solution


I heard a fly buzz in my room last night. 

What type of figurative language is this?


(Bonus if you spelled it right!)


Candy wrappers, cups, and other items on the ground, entangled in tree branches, or floating in water can wash away the enjoyment of spending time with your friends and family.  Littering should have serious financial consequences.  

What can you infer from this text?

A. Families should spend time together.  

B. Fines should be given to those who litter.  

C. Litter on the ground is worse than litter in the water. 

D.  Litter in the water is dangerous to marine life.

B. Fines should be given to those who litter


Which word means “very happy”?

A.  Significant

B.  Unique

C.  Jovial  

D.  Marvel  

C. Jovial


ped/pod means _____

feet or legs


Ernestina was getting very frustrated and angry because none of her good ideas were being recognized at work. 

What type of text structure does this passage use?

Cause and effect


I have butterflies in my stomach!

What type of figurative language is this?



Minimum wages needs to be increased. “In an expensive state like California, a worker needs about $20 an hour to afford the basics," said Jason Bennet. "Whereas $15 is what a worker needs in a less expensive state such as Alabama, Florida or Texas."

What is the main issue?

A. Minimum wages need to be increased in all states.

B. Californians have money, so they don’t need an increase. 

C. Since it is expensive to live in California, they need a larger increase in minimum wage.

D. Alabama, Florida, and Texas all need increases in minimum wages because it is cheaper to live in those states.

C. Since it is expensive to live in California, they need a larger increase in minimum wage. 


I need to conserve my energy if I'm going to be able to stay up all night. 

Conserve means _____.

A. save

B. reduce

C. gain 

D. magnify

A. save