
What nickname was given to the place where tornadoes are most common in the United States?

Tornado Alley


Should you crawl under a bridge to get away from a tornado?

No, the wind speeds increase under the bridge.


What is the scale used to classify/name wind speed?

Beaufort Wind Scale


What 2 things are needed for hurricanes to form?

Wind and Heat. The heat allows warm moist water vapor to leave the ocean and rise into the sky. Wind blowing in opposite directions causes the wind to start spinning.


How many hurricane names have been retired since the name lists began in 1953?

As of right now, 94 names have been retired and replaced on the name lists.

What measurement tool is used to classify tornadoes?

The Enhanced-Fujita Scale (EF Scale)


T or F...The Enhanced Fujita Scale classifies tornadoes based on their size.

False, the EF Scale classifies tornadoes by the damage/destruction they cause?


How do hurricanes get their names?

Scientists have created 6 lists of alphabetical names for hurricanes. The lists rotate each year. When a hurricane is really destructive, a new name (beginning with the same letter) will replace that name the next time that list is used (in 6 years).


What are the different classifications of hurricanes (from least to greatest)?

Category 1 hurricane (CAT1), Category 2 hurricane (CAT2), Category 3 hurricane (CAT3), Category 4 hurricane (CAT4), Category 5 hurricane (CAT5)


T or F: Hurricanes are strongest right at the Equator.

False. There isn't enough wind travelling in opposite directions at the equator, so hurricanes can't form there.

Can tornadoes occur on water?

Yes, they are called water spouts.


What causes tornadoes to form?

Wind blowing in opposite directions causes a column of wind to begin rotating on the ground. Then, the warm air (updraft) lifts one end of the column to lift up into the sky, which becomes a tornado.


T or F: Hurricanes, Typhoons, and Cyclones are different names for the same type of tropical cyclone.

True. The difference is that they occur in different oceans...hurricanes (Atlantic Ocean), typhoons (Pacific Ocean), and cyclones (Indian Ocean/southern hemisphere.


What is different about tropical cyclone storms that happen in the northern hemisphere vs. the southern hemisphere?

Hurricanes & Typhoons (Northern Hemisphere) rotate counter-clockwise. Cyclones (Southern Hemisphere) rotate clockwise.


Are tornadoes or hurricanes more destructive?

Hurricanes are the most destructive storm on Earth. A large tornado can be as wide as a mile or two. A large hurricane can be 600 miles wide!!!


If you are in your house, where is the safest place to go during a tornado?

The basement, or a room located in the innermost part of your house (away from windows and outer walls).


What are the different classifications (on the EF Scale) given to describe tornadoes?

EF0, EF1, EF2, EF3,  EF4, EF5


What is the minimum wind speed a storm can have to be classified as a "hurricane"?

74mph (miles per hour)


What happens to hurricanes when they run into land?

They die because they no longer have the warm water needed to fuel the storm.


How do you prepare (and stay safe) for a hurricane?

Cover all windows with boards. Create a barrier of sandbags around the outside of your house to keep water out. Evacuate the area and travel inland where you are safe from the hurricane/

What type of tornado is wider than it is tall? Hint: These are the most destructive tornadoes. 

A Wedge Tornado


Tornadoes most commonly occur during which seasons?

Spring and Summer


Why are most hurricanes born near the Equator rather than near one of the poles at the top and bottom of the Earth?

Hurricanes need warm water, and the warmest waters are near the Equator.


Hurricanes occur most frequently during which season?



Most hurricanes hit the United States through which body of water?

The Gulf of Mexico