Ancient Greece
Modern World History
US History
US Government
This Ancient Greek city is the home of democracy.  

What is Athens?


This is a body of land extending into an ocean or lake (surrounded by water on three sides). 

What is a peninsula?


This explorer "discovered" the American continents but believed that he had successfully sailed to Asia and met "Indians".

Who was Christopher Columbus? 


He was president during the Civil War.

Who was Abraham Lincoln?


The recognition of a government's authority to make laws and manage a nation.  

What is sovereignty? 


This city is Mr. Gil's hometown.

What is Chicago?


This Ancient Greek poet wrote the Odyssey. 

Who is Homer?


This is the largest country on Earth stretching across the continents of Europe and Asia.


This Italian painter, sculptor, engineer, musician, and botanist is the symbol of the term Renaissance man. 

Who was Leonardo Da Vinci?

He led the continental army to victory during the US Revolution.

Who was George Washington? 


This document signed by King John I in 1215 establishes that a king must have permission from the nobles in order to raise taxes and that all free men have the right to a trial by jury.

What is the Magna Carta?


The Colosseum is located in this city.

What is Rome?


This Macedonian ruler created an empire that stretched from Greece to India.

Who is Alexander the Great?


This is the world's longest river flowing more than 4,000 miles from Uganda and Sudan into Egypt.

What is the Nile River?


This "jewel" of the British Empire produced valuable trading commodities such as cotton and opium and had an ideal location for trading with China.

What is India?


Its completion in 1869 allowed for faster transport of people and resources throughout the country.

What is the Transcontinental Railroad?


This plan created a two-house legislative branch; an upper house based on equal representation and a lower house based on the population of each state.

What is the Great Compromise?


A biome where tree growth is limited by very cold weather and short growing seasons. Vegetations is limited to shrubs, grasses, and mosses.

What is a tundra?


This city-state was known for its military and strong soldiers.

What is Sparta?

An area in the desert where vegetation is found because water is available, usually from underground springs.

What is an oasis?


This king acquired the Congo for his own personal use. He abused, tortured, and murdered natives who did not produce enough rubber or challenged his authority. 

Who was King Leopold II?

This tycoon used questionable methods such as trusts and price manipulation to become a billionaire and create a monopoly over the oil industry in the late 1800s.

Who was John D. Rockefeller? 


An rule or regulation made by the President that instructs executive branch officials how to carry out their jobs; it has the same weight as a law.

What is an executive order?


This scientist popularized the heliocentric theory (that the planets revolve around the sun).

Who was Nicholas Copernicus?


As portrayed in the film 300, 300 soldiers died at this battle with the Persian Empire.

What is the Battle of Thermopylae?


This mountain range located on the South American continent is part of a chain of mountain ranges that run through the western part of North, Central, and South America.

What are the Andes Mountains?


This Enlightenment thinker believed that people were naturally born good and that societal institutions and social inequality made them bad.

Who was Jean-Jacques Rousseau (JJR)? 

This remote Northern part of the US used to belong to Russia. Though its purchase was originally criticized, it contributes billions of dollars yearly to the US economy. 

What is Alaska?


This presidential power grants a group of offenders (such as illegal immigrants) a pardon for offenses committed. 

What is amnesty?


The Russians used the scorched-earth approach (destroying all of their crops) to defeat this military leader, leaving his troops without food or resources during the winter.

Who was Napoleon Bonaparte?