Lent is the name for the special time of the year just before Christmas. T or F
What is false?
Advent means Christmas: T or F
What is false? Awaiting, arrival of, coming of
How many candles are on the Advent wreath?
a) 3
b) 4/5
What is 4? Some use the 5th white candle that represents Jesus's purity
This Day is is the beginning of a new church year:
First Sunday of Advent
First Sunday of Lent
First Sunday of Christmas
What is the First Sunday of Advent?
This is the meaning of the word Advent.
What is coming?
Each candle on an Advent wreath signifies or stands for this.
What is one week?
The second candle lit on the advent wreath is pink:
T or F
What is False? 3rd
The third candle on the advent wreath that is lighted is pink. T or F
This counts down the days until Christmas:
Advent calendar
Jesse Tree
Jesse Christmas Calendar
What is an advent calendar?
Three of the candles on the Advent wreath are this color.
What is violet or purple?
The wreath is made of fresh tree branches - what does this symbolize?
New life Christ brought into the world.
New life you bring into the world.
War and peace.
New life Christ brought into the world (through His passion, death, and resurrection)
The first Sunday of Advent we begin a period of prayer, fasting, and penance:
T or F
What is False?
The red candle is lighted Christmas Eve or Christmas day:
What is False? There is no red candle on an Advent wreath.
What do we prepare for during the season of Advent?
What is Christmas/ Jesus' birth.
The use of an Advent wreath began in the 1500's:
T or F
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The light shed by the Advent candles represents this:
Light of Christ
Light of the Tree
Tree of Life
Trees and lights.
What is the light of Christ; the light Christ brought into the world?
The custom of the Advent wreath:
a) Waiting for Jesus to carry the cross.
b) When we help others, we are serving Jesus.
c) When we help others, we suffer.
When we help others, we are serving Jesus.
This candle is lit on the third Sunday of Advent, Gaudete Sunday, when we rejoice because our preparation is now half-way finished.
What is the pink candle?
There is a reason why the Advent wreath is a circle, which is:
What is eternity -- no beginning, no end?
This is the main color of Advent.
What is purple?
The custom of using an Advent wreath came from this church, or branch of Christianity.
What are Protestants (German Lutherans specifically)?
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The use of the Advent wreath came from this country, as did the tradition of the Christmas tree.
New Treeland
United States
There are two reasons for celebrating Advent: one is in remembrance of the Lord's first coming, and the second is (as stated in the Creed):
Second coming of Jesus
No more Christmas
An end to wreaths as they are fire hazards.
What is the second coming of Jesus?
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