What is the equipment necessary for a flickerball game?
Game is played to how many points?
When crossing the line, if you are tagged by the opposing team what must you do?
the stick must stay below what?
Where is home run
Back wall on the fly
Ball off the backboard = how many points
Explain the serving rules when serving overhand vs underhand
Overhand behind the serve live, underhand can go up to the spike line
When unfrozen by a teammate, what is the first thing you must do?
Go back to your own side
Stick above the waist 1 times results in what? 2 times in what?
penalty box -> automatic 0
How many players to a base?
as many as you want
Ball is thrown and dropped by the receiver. What happens
Turnover/other team's ball
If a player jumps and touches the net what happens?
Other team gets the point
How many dodgeballs does each team try to score. How does each team know that they are their dodgeballs?
3, color coordinated
How are you allowed to use your feet legally in broomball
to stop the ball
If a team has no available players left to kick and only have 1 out, what happens?
automatic inning ending switch
Ball hits the backboard, then the rim, then goes in the hoop. How many points?
If a ball is kicked intentionally to the ceiling out of frustration or trying to be funny. what happens?
Player is removed from the game and must do 50 push ups before returning
If the opposing team touches the other teams dodgeball, what happens to that dodgeball
Goes back to the teams side
When are you allowed to use your hands?
When the ball is above the waist, catch and drop only
Fair ball
Everyone on the team touches the ball AND the ball is scored
On one side, what is the max hits + bounces that can happen
Where are you allowed to shoot the dodgeball from?
anywhere, except the square no go zone
Tie games are settled how?
Name all the ways you can make an out
force out at 1st, ball caught in the air, ball caught and runner doesn't tag, no players left to kick, player hit with the ball while off base