This is the single most important type of supporting documentation to collect during PDAs.
What are photographs?
In order for the State and its local jurisdictions to be eligible for most Public Assistance and Mitigation grant funds, the State must have a FEMA-approved ________?
Bonus points if you are able to answer how often it must be renewed.
What is Hazard Mitigation Plan?
Bonus point answer: 5 years.
What is the most frequently occurring disaster?
What is severe storms and flooding?
What is Environmental and Historic Preservation?
When it's cold in winter,
This is something you love.
It's like tiny white stars,
Falling from above.
What is snow?
After the Applicant Briefings, FEMA and the State will hold what type of meeting?
What are Exploratory Calls?
These FEMA programs help reduce risk for people, structures, and infrastructure.
What is Hazard Mitigation Assistance?
The person responsible for everything about the incident.
Incident Commander
What is Benefit Cost Analysis?
In The Polar Express, who can hear the bell ring?
What is only those who believe?
This Category of Work can take place prior to the date a disaster/event takes place.
What is Category B: Emergency Protective Measures?
Mitigation projects funded by Hazard Mitigation assistance must be both __________ and __________ at mitigation the risks of the hazard(s) for which the project was designed.
What is feasible and effective?
The feasibility of a project is demonstrated through conformance with accepted engineering practices, established codes, standards, modeling techniques, or best practices. Effective mitigation measures funded under HMA should provide a long-term or permanent solution.
How many Emergency Support Functions are there? Name at least 5.
What is the 18?
Transportation, communications, public works, firefighting, EM, mass care, resource support, health/medical, S&R, HazMat, Agric, Energy, LE, Volunteer Mngmt, Public Information, Military Support, Cybersecurity, Business & Industry.
What is Preliminary Damage Assessment?
A beverage company that has been using Santa Claus in its advertising since 1931.
What is Coca-Cola?
The buildings blocks for FEMA eligibility.
What are Applicant, Facility, Work, and Cost?
What is the name of the program that offers grant funding for dams?
What is the Rehabilitation of High Hazard Potential Dam Program?
What are the activation levels of our SEOC?
What is Steady State, Enhanced Monitoring, Partial, and Full?
What is National Flood Insurance Program?
The 12th thing delivered in the song 12 days of Christmas.
What are 12 drummers drumming?
How many declared disasters (DRs) is HSEM working on currently? Bonus points if you can name all the disasters.
What is 14?
DR4329, 4355, 4370, 4371, 4457, 4516, 4622, 4624, 4693, 4740, 4761, 4771, 4799, 4812
The Hazard Mitigation Grant Program provides funding to protect _______ parts of a facility.
What is undamaged?
In NH, what local official becomes the de facto Incident Commander or is able to designate one?
What is the Fire Chief? NH RSA 154:7.
What is Hydraulics and Hydrology?
In the early 1800s, the first gingerbread houses were reportedly inspired by what famous fairy tale?
What is Hansel and Gretel?