Mr J
1031 students
General knowledge
(FYI, reality TV is NOT general knowledge)
General knowledge
for the brightest bulbs in the box

Make an affirmative past simple sentence using the verb « be ».

Relevant answers.


What does Mr J always wear (3 elements)?

He always wears a beautiful shirt, (beautiful) trousers and smart shoes.


Who’s the loudest student in this class?

Luis. Yes Luis, it IS you, come on, be honest about it ;-)


What is a pickup line?

Something you say to try to seduce someone else. Might come in handy in a few years :-D


Name 4 current computer operating systems (OS):

Windows, MacOS, Chrome OS, Linux, accept Unix as an answer


How many verb tenses did we learn/revise this year?

5 (or 6), depending on how you count present continuous): Present simple, past simple, future with will, future with be going to, present continuous


What’s Mr Jaussi like (personality adjectives)?

Relevant answers


Who’s is the most AMAZING student in this class (essentially according to her, but hey if you wait for other people to recognize your worth it could take some time)?

AMAZING Sonia of course ;-)


Who’s the cutest, most beautiful animal in the world (think catfully)?

Mr Jaussi’s cat obviously.


What’s the biggest planet in the solar system?



What happened to Juliane Köpcke (3 elements)?

She took a plane which crashed in the jungle. She survived in the jungle for 14 days before being rescued.


What’s the best month of the year and why?

 June of course, because there’s my birthday in it.


Who’s the smartest, most intelligent student in this class?

WRONG! The right answer is ALL OF YOU ;-), stop comparing yourselves to others and focus on becoming the best version of yourself. I know it’s unfair, but I made the game so I decide :-D


Name our seven federal councillors:

Guy Parmelin, Alain Berset, Karin Keller-Sutter, Simonetta Somarruga, Viola Amherd, Ignazio Cassis, Ueli Maurer.


How many languages are spoken in the world (approximately)?


What will you do this summer (one answer each, all answers must be different)?

 Relevant answers.


How does Mr Jaussi come to school?

He comes to school by bike.


Who’s the oldest student in this class?

Mr Jaussi of course ;-)


What’s heavier on average, a tiger or a lion?

A tiger. (310kg for a male and 180kg for a female VS 190kg and 130kg for lions).


What’s the best school you can go to for EACH of you?

The one which will give you access to a job you like.


Explain when we use the 3 future tenses in English?

Present continuous: for definite plans, things that are sure to happen; future with will: predictions and things we decide on the spot (not sure); be going to, to express intentions (not sure either)


Name two other jobs Mr Jaussi did before becoming a teacher:

salesman at Manor; repairs manager at Manor; freelance translator; freelance computer science teacher for adults; journalist for the local newspaper Versoix-Region; PRESIDENT ( a.k.a. councillor) of Versoix


If Mr Jaussi has only 20 chocolates in his bag and there are 21 of us in the class, who won’t get a chocolate and why?

Mr Jaussi won’t take a chocolate because 1. He has more in his locker ;-) 2. He shouldn’t eat so many chocolates (I know I know, but it’s sooo hard not to eat them :-D)


What were the seven wonders of the ancient world (antiquity)?

Great Pyramid of Giza; Hanging Gardens of Babylon; Temple of Artemis at Ephesus; Statue of Zeus at Olympia; Mausoleum at Halicarnassus; Colossus of Rhodes; The Great Lighthouse of Alexandria.


Name two important universal questions people ask themselves according to philosophers:

Why are we here (what’s our purpose)? How can we be happy/What’s happiness? What is the nature of the world we live in? Does God exist? Do we have free will? Is our universe real? Accept other relevant answers.