Causes of the War
Technology and Strategy
Wartime Living
Effects of the War
This treaty forced Germany to pay war reparations, and was hated by many Germans.

What was the Treaty of Versailles?


This fascist leader of Germany led the Nazis and implemented the horrors of the Holocaust.

Who is Adolf Hitler?


This invasion of Normandy is memorialized by the name of its military operation, "Operation Overlord."

What is D-Day?


This type of information could be on a poster, cartoon, or ad, and is meant to get the viewer to think a certain way.

What is propaganda?


These treaties brought WW2 to an end.

What are the Paris Peace Treaties?

This global development left many poor and with little money.

What was the Great Depression?


This U.S. president who also helped us out of the Great Depression also led us into WW2.

Who is Franklin Delano Roosevelt?


This strategy was carried out against the Japanese in the Pacific Ocean during WW2.

What is Island Hopping?

These were things that civilians made in factories in order to contribute to the war effort.

What are bombs and ammo?


This was an important consequence for many countries, new and old, after WW2.

What is the establishment of new Nation States?


This type of government or policy is aimed at complete control of a society by a dictator, and was used by Hitler, Mussolini, and Tojo.

What is Fascism?


This U.S. President was the one who decided to drop the Nuclear Bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Who is Harry Truman?


This location was used as a fake out for the D-Day invasion, and housed inflatable tanks set up by the "Ghost Army."

What is Calais?


This is a sacrifice made my many civilians, leaving them possibly hungry or limiting their food intake.

What is rationing?


Rules implemented after WW2 that define and codify what is and is not a war crime.

What are the Geneva Conventions?


This country getting invaded was seen by many as the "last straw" and the immediate cause of WW2.

What is Poland?


This man served as the Prime Minister of Britain during WW2

Who is Winston Churchill?


This type of warfare meaning "lightning war" was used by the Germans on London during WW2.

What was the Blitzkrieg?


Women enjoyed these benefits during their work during WW2.

What are more rights and freedoms?


After WW2, this organization that still stands today was formed in order to target world peace.

What is the United Nations?


This agreement encapsulates the policy of appeasement and was negotiated between Adolf Hitler and Neville Chamberlain. It's failure led to the second world war.

What is the Munich Agreement?


This British Prime minister handled the Munich agreement, returning to Britain claiming "I've found peace in our time."

Who is Neville Chamberlain?


This type of landing was all about coming ashore from the ocean.

What is an amphibious landing?


Comic books such as Action Comics or Detective Comics features their cover heroes Superman and Batman selling these to civilians.

What are war bonds?


This period of proxy wars and rivalries between the U.S. and the Soviet Union began after World War 2 and lasted into the 90's.

What is the Cold War?