Rules of the Class
Paint this...
Hierarchy of Consequences
Reading is FUNtastic
This is the first classroom rule.
What is to respect the instructor, your classmates, this classroom space and yourself at all times.
The painter who painted "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus" was named...
What is Brueghel?
Technology is only used in the classroom for____ purposes.
What is academic?
Step one in the hierarchy of consequences is...
What is a verbal or non-verbal warning?
Anything that can be read is a______
What is a text?
I mention in the four class rules that I have very little tolerance for this noise related action (hint). What is this?
What is talking while I am talking (or anyone has been called on to talk)?
There are this many people visible or partially visible in "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus"?
What is four?
When can cell phones be used in the class room?
What is never?
You have already been asked once to stop talking when the instructor is talking, and you do it again. You are assigned to one-on-one conference during ______ time.
What is tutorial time?
The STA parking lot is a text. True/False
What is true?
I raise my right fist in the air means that you do this...
What is stop talking and listen?
It is appropriate to discuss a personal grade during scheduled class time when...
What is it is never appropriate to discuss a personal grade during scheduled class time? Grades are private and must be discussed during tutorial time.
King Minos was...
What is the King who enslaved Daedalus in Icarus in the myth of Icarus?
You twice interrupted the instructor during class and were asked to attend a one-on-one conference. You either conveniently forgot to attend a conference or you simply do not show up. What is the next likely consequence?
What is step three--three demerits and a parent phone call or email.
Fill in the blanks. First we read by observing the _____, then we look for patterns and relationships or the _______, and then we interpret, evaluate and analyze those patterns, drawing conclusions about the ________.
What is text, context, and subtext?
Arriving prepared to class means this...
What is sitting in your assigned seat, and on time everyday--this means you are seated and have your materials ready at the start of class (this also means you have already sharpened pencils and brought tissue BEFORE class starts).
Three of the animals in the painting include...
What is a horse, sheep, and birds?
The three steps to reading a text in order are...
What is observe, find patterns, draw conclusions?
TEAM CHALLENGE: May the best plan win. We have spoken about consequences for not following class rules, but we have not spoken about rewards for being a good citizen and classmate. For this task, you and your team have five minutes to develop a hierarchy of rewards for consistently good citizenship. To receive maximum points, your plan should be realistic (i.e. an all paid vacation to Hawaii for the best citizen), specific, hierarchical, and based on motivations and incentives that you know will work at STA (a free class in scrapbooking is probably not a real motivator).
May the best plan win.
An Ekphrastic poem is....
What is a poem inspired by or that is meant to reference and describe a painting or an image? WCWilliams "Landscape..." is an Ekphrastic poem.
A student draws pictures on the classroom walls, desks etc. that feature a graphic representation of a human reproductive organ. This action violates this particular class rule.
What is rule number 1? Vandalizing classroom equipment, space, or property is not only unacceptable and intolerable, it is a complete act of disrespect to our classroom space (you might as well spray graffiti on your living room wall).
There are at least three career occupations pictured in the painting. These include...
What is farming, shepherding, and fishing?
PAO stands for ____, _____, ____.
What is Person, Action and Object? Bonus: What was the name of the Greek scholar who perfected this mnemonic technique?
This most famous of rules is probably the basis of most of my classroom rules. If you follow it, you will likely never run into any trouble whatsoever.
What is "the golden rule?"
Which of the following people was not from mainland Greece? A) Icarus B) Daedalus C) Minos
What is C?