What is 011001000 in regular numbers?
What is 200?
Name a characteristic of data that I have listed as correct response
Symbols that represent people, events, things, and ideas. Data can be a name, a number, the colors in a photograph, or the notes in a musical composition
What is text also
What is another name for character data
What is a million bytes
How many bytes in a megabyte?
What's the largest number that can be made in binary using only 5 digits?
What is 01010 in regular numbers?
What is 200?
What is Binary?
A way of representing information using only two options
How many bits does ASCII require for each character
What is a trillion bytes
What is a trillionHow many bits in a terabyte?
What is an RFC?
Request for Comments
What is 01100100 in regular numbers?
A computer program uses 3 bits to represent integers. When the program adds the decimal (base 10) numbers 5 and 3, the result is 0. Which of the following is the best explanation for the result?
An overflow error occurred.
How many bits are in a Byte?
wha is eight
What is Data Compression
The technique that recodes the data in a file so that it contains fewer bits
What is the Internet?
a worldwide system of computer networks that talk and work together
What is 1111111 in regular numbers?
What is 127?
Many tasks, large and small, can be solved by performing a specific set of actions and making a particular set of decisions in very precise ways. These sets of actions and decisions are known as what?
What are the two forms of Data Compression?
Binary Digit
bit is an abbreviation for
What does ASCII stand for?
American Standard Code for Information Interchange
Final Jeopardy - What is 11110111111 in normal numbers?
Which of the following is an important step to take before beginning to write the code for a program?
Plan the logic and anticipated input/output of the code
uppercase A in ASCII
What is eight bits
What is eight bits
What is ASCII?
The universally recognized raw text format that any computer can understand