What is the old capital of Queensland
(if they got it wrong that's ok no points taken)
Ipswich was the original capital before Brisbane but was changed due to ships not being able to access the city
what sport does sir play
Crazy Frog
who is the best
Trick question; Brown
Birds of a feather~
~we should stick together
where are we
Hint: what is our school address
46 Pratten St, Corinda QLD 4075
what is Australia's commonwealth emblem
Kangaroo and Emu
what grocery shop does Parr shop at
hit me baby one more time~
~and im so sorry~
what fruit is yellow
what is Queenslands flower/floral emblem
Cooktown orchid
where does he live
south ripley(stalker)
Smells like teen spirit
Mamma Mia Mamma Mia~
~Mamma mia here we go
what house won the swimming carnival
what queensland town is classified as cattle town?
(fun fact: the bull statues placed around the town had their balls cut off that often that they had to chain them to the ground to stop the uni students castrating them)\
what class is Mr Parrs favourite
seven nation army
Baa aramba baa bom baa barooumba~
~Wh-wha-what's going on-on?
what home room are we currently in
Pirri B- look at the light swiches