Momentum & Electricity
Energy and Heat

A space ship cruises at a constant velocity of 33,155 km/hr for 22.5 minutes. How far does the ship travel in that time? State your result in kilometers.

12,400 km (3 sig dig)


If a golf ball with mass of 46g is flying through the air with a momentum of 8.0 kg∙m/s, determine its velocity.

170 m/s (2 sig dig)


What type of energy determines a substance’s phase of matter?

Kinetic energy in the atoms


In a room, there is a hot bagel, a hot cup of coffee, and a cold can of soda. Is this room at thermal equilibrium, and why or why not?

No because thermal equilibrium is when everything in an environment is the same temperature.


What is the name of Mr. Pyke's car?

Eva the egg, or Eva, or The Egg


A driver accelerates her car from rest to a velocity of 35.9 mi/hr in 8.2 seconds.  What is the acceleration of the car, in MKS units?

2.0 m/s2 (2 sig dig)


When you rub a piece of PVC pipe on your arm and then hold it nearby without it touching, why do the hairs on your arm stand up?

Rubbing the PVC pipe transfers electrons from your arm to the pipe, making the pipe more negatively charged than your arm and arm hairs. The more positively charged hairs are attracted to the negatively charged pipe and move toward it.


The density of mercury is 13,600 kg/m3. Determine the mass of 10.0 cm3 of mercury.

0.136 kg


In real life (that is, not in an imaginary ideal world like in other problems in this course), a moving car will always come to a stop when the driver takes his foot off the gas. Is this a violation of the law of conservation of energy? Explain.

No. Energy is lost to the environment primarily through friction and wind resistance (which is also friction). It transfers to the environment as heat (thermal radiation) and light (electromagnetic radiation).


Describe the difference between hypotheses and experiments

A hypothesis is a positively stated, informed prediction about what will happen in certain circumstances. Every hypothesis is based on a particular theory. The hypothesis is a prediction that results when a theory is applied to a particular situation. Experiments are tests of the predictions in hypotheses, under controlled conditions. Since effective experiments are difficult to perform, for any experimental outcome to become regarded as a “fact,” it must be replicated by several different experimental teams.


The engine in a model rocket can deliver a thrust (i.e., force) of 11.87 N. If the mass of the rocket is 196.5 g, determine the resulting acceleration of the rocket.

60.41 m/s2 (4 sig dig)


Calculate the equivalent resistance for a circuit that has two resistors in parallel with resistance values of 236 Ohms and 500 Ohms, and these are in series with a resistor at 1.2k Ohms.

1360 Ohms


What is the highest temperature that water can be?

212F or 100C. After that it becomes a gas, and water cannot surpass that temperature without becoming a gas (at atmospheric pressure)


Which has more kinetic energy, a tennis ball moving at 3 m/s on Earth, or the same tennis ball moving at 3 m/s on the moon? Which has more gravitational potential energy? Why?

Kinetic energy: the same because kinetic energy is equal to 1/2 mass times velocity squared, and mass and velocity are the same on the earth and moon.

GPE: the one on earth because GPE = mgh, and g is higher on earth than on the moon.


Write the number 3,000 with 3 significant digits.

3.00 x 103


On average, the sun is 1.49 × 1011 meters from the earth. Given that the speed of light is 6.71 x 108 miles per hour, how much time is required for light to get to the earth from the sun? State your result in minutes.

8.28 minutes


A small marble collides with a large marble at rest that has 5 times the mass of the small one. After the collision, the small marble rebounds at 0.7500 m/s, while the large block moves off at 0.3750 m/s in the direction of the original motion. If the mass of the small marble is 375.00 g, what is the initial velocity of the small marble before the collision?

1.125 m/s (4 sig dig)


What are the names of a solid turning into a gas, and a gas turning into a solid?

Sublimation and deposition


Name the heat transfer processes and the substances in which they operate.

Conduction: all matter, but best in metals

Convection: fluids (liquids and gases)

Electromagnetic radiation: everything (including vacuums) except metals


What is refraction?

When waves change speed by entering a different substance (e.g., light slows down when it goes from air into water)


Mr. Pyke accelerates his Ford Focus, which has a mass of 1,200 kg, from rest to 65 mph in 7.10 seconds. How much force, in Newtons, is the engine exerting in order to do this?

4,900 N (2 sig dig)


A 9V battery is connected to a circuit with 2 resistors in series. The resistance on the first resistor is 16 Ohms, and the resistance on the second is 12 Ohms. calculate the voltage drop on the second resistor.



A clay brick has a density of 1.702 g/cm3 and a mass of 2.27 kg. Its base is 9.2 cm by 19.4 cm. What is the height of the brick?

7.5 cm (2 sig dig)


If you fill a pan with water and place it on the stove to boil, the pan gets hot fast, but the water takes a long time to boil. Why is this?

The water has a high specific heat capacity (it requires lots of energy to raise it by one degree), while the metal has a low specific heat capacity.


How many miles are in a kg?

Just kidding. Convert 3.4 x 10-15 m3 into gallons

9.0 x 10-13 (2 sig digs)