Tales from Greek Mythology
Social Classes
Who am I?
Growing up Greek
Government and Taxes
All About Athens
Government and Taxes
This. Is. SPARTA!!
Greece is here in Canada?

I am the youngest son of the titans Cronus and Rhea.

I am married to Hera and have many children including Ares, Hephaestus, Aphrodite, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Hermes, Persephone, Dionysus, Perseus, Heracles, Minos, and the Muses.

I am King of the Heavens, and I rule over the sky, storms, and all the Gods of Mt. Olympus.

All fear my mighty thunderbolt. Who am I?



I am not allowed to own anything of my own. I must follow the orders of my master or his wife as though they were law. However, I am still protected by the laws of the Polis so I can't be ordered to do anything illegal. My duties could be anything from farming, to crafting, to raising children, or manual labor. Who am I?

Slave or helot.


Which Greek polis focused on military training instead of academics?



Athens is known as the first Ancient civilization to invent this form of government. What is it?



What did the Spartans use for currency (money)?

Iron bars. - to discourage theft and trading with outsiders.


This international sporting event based on Ancient Greek traditions, continues to unite Canadaian and global athletes every four years.

The Olympics

Brother of Zeus. Daughter of Zeus

Who pair rule the underworld together together as King and Queen?

Her journey back and forth between Mr. Olympus and the underworld marks the passage of the seasons, as the Goddess of Harvests, her mother, Demeter, cannot bear the months when she is away.

Hades and Persephone?

100 points each.


Name 2 Freedoms that women in Sparta had that women in Athens did not.

100 points each

Spartan Women could own land, slaves and businesses, even after their husbands had passed away.

Spartan Women could remarry and were expected to continue bearing strong children even when their husbands were weak or away for too long.

Spartan women were trained in combat so they could protect their homes and families if needed.

Spartan girls learned all the same things as the boys so they could be independent while the men were away.


Name two differences between how girls are raised in Sparta versus Athens. 

100 points each.

Spartan girls are taught the same things as boys, Athens girls are not. 

Spartan girls are taught physical education and taught to be strong and independent, Athens girls were more focused on housework.

Spartan girls had more freedom, Athenian woman did not have as many rights.


What is the name of the public space in Athens where citizens gathered to discuss government affairs and trade goods?

The Agora


Athens traded with other city-states to gain money and resources, but Sparta thought trade was silly. How did Sparta gain money and resources instead?

Take it by force and conquer nearby areas.


What subjects that we study in school are based on the the schools started in ancient Athens?

Almost all of them!

Educa-tion is greek for the practice-of-bringing-up
Art is greek for skill or craft
Mathema-tics is greek for about-thinking.
Mus-ic is greek for "the art of the Muses"
Phys-ics is greek for about-nature
Philo-soph-y in greek means to-love-wisdom
Bio-logy is greek for the study-of-life
Psych-ology is greek for the study-of-mind
Geo-graph-y in greek means to-write-earth
History in greek means to-inquire
Economics is greek for household-management
Poli-tics is greek for about-Polis's
Theo-logy is greek for the study-of-Gods
Science is greek for Knowledge
Geo-logy is greek for the study-of-earth

Greek words are all around us!


Name 3 characters from Greek mythology that are not Gods or Goddesses (or Titans).

Can be Demigods, Legendary Heros, Famous Kings, or any other FICTIONAL Greek character. 

100 points each.

Cerberus, Charon, Hecate, Minos, Achilles, Ariadne, Heracles, Daedalus, Icarus, Jason, Odysseus, Orpheus, Perseus, Theseus, Arachne, Medusa, Minotaur, Pandora, Agamemnon, Midas, Sisyphus, Helen, Tantalus, Echo, Narcissus, The Furies, The Fates, The Muses, Euridice, Cyane.


I am able to vote on important issues in the Assembly, own land, marry whomever I like, trade at the Agora, and fight to protect my polis. 

In Athens I spend most of my time either managing businesses and Liturgies, or pursuing my own personal projects. 

In Sparta, I spend most of my time away from home being a soldier until I am 60 years old.

I am a Citizen. What are the 3 requirements to be considered a Citizen in Athens or Sparta?


Over 20 years old

Born in Athe


About what age did girls typically get married in both Sparta and Athens?

12-13 years old.


How many people were required to be present for a meeting of the Athenian assembly?

6000 people.


How did the government of Sparta collect money to pay for public services?

TAXES. They would collect a certain amount of money and resources from all citizens and communities of helots that were controlled by Sparta.


What system of Ancient Greek government the inspiration for Canada's government today?




Name 4 Gods or Goddesses from Mt. Olympus and What they were the god/goddess of.

100 points each

Zeus - Sky/Storms
Poseidon - Oceans/Seas
Hera - Marriage
Ares - War/Violence
Artemis - Hunting/Animals
Hephaistus - Fire/Construction
Apollo - Light/Fine Arts
Hermes - Travelers/Messengers
Hestia - Home/Family
Demeter - Earth/Agriculture
Aphrodite - Love/Beauty
Athena - Wisdom/Arts/Justice
Hades - Underworld/Death


Athenian and Spartan women worked very hard to be good wives for their husbands. Name 4 things Greek women had to do to be considered a good wife.

100 points each

Keep the home clean and tidy
Ensure everyone is properly fed and cared for.
Obey her husband at all times.
Give birth to sons.
Raise children to be proper future citizens or wives.
Manage her husbands workers and errands when he is away.


Name four subjects that young boys in Athens would study in school.

100 points each.

- Mathematics

- Public Speaking

- Reading/Writing

- Music

- Phys Ed.




Wealthy citizens would compete to fund extravagent public festivals, theatre performances, and military upgrades, and more through this system of mandatory assigned public service.

The Liturgy


How many people got to sit on the Spartan council that made most of the decisions?

30 people - 28 people and 2 kings.


I started my life in Ancient Greece,
taught to the children piece-by-piece.

With time I grew, my shapes did shift.
Now known worldwide, my power's a gift.

You see me on keyboards, in books, and on signs,
Without me, reading would be quite unkind.

What am I?

The Alphabet. 

(why do you think its called the Alpha-Bet!??


What do you think was the purpose of having such fantastic stories about powerful gods/goddesses, brave heros, and dangerous monsters? 

5+ possible reasons, 100 points each.

Exciting stories are a fun way to teach morals and safety to young children.

Stories of Gods and Monsters helped them think about deep and complex mysteries of the world.

Belief in Mt. Olymups, Gods, and an Afterlife brought comfort to people in hard times.

Sharing the same stories and history helped people feel like a team.

For those who couldn't read or write, storytelling was a great way of practising their public speaking and listening skills, and learning about what came before.


I am not allowed to vote in the assemblies but I can own land, come and go as I please, trade goods in the Agora, and even own slaves. As long as I follow the law I am allowed to do as I please and even citizens can't order me around. Who am I?

Metics in Athens, Perioikoi in Sparta.


Why do you think schools in Athens and Sparta were so different? Didn't everyone need to learn the same things?

Multiple answers, 100 points each

Athens and Sparta had different views of what an ideal man/women was like.

Athens and Sparta had very governments deciding what was important.

Women had a lot more responsibility and independence in Sparta than in Athens.

Men had a lot more responsibility and independence in Athens than in Sparta.



In Athens, any citizen who started becoming too powerful would be banished for 10 years, and they designed a system to make sure that no one would could stay the richest for too long. 

Why do you think Athenians didn't want anyone to get too rich or powerful?

- Because they wanted everyone to be equal.

- Because they didn't want anyone to be able to buy votes or bribe each other. 

- They didn't want the same people in power all of the time. 

- because they were afraid of someone getting strong enough to become a tyrant.


In a democracy, every citizen gets to vote on issues and every citizen's opinion carries equal importance. Both Athens AND Sparta had assemblies where citizens would vote. Why wasn't Sparta considered a "democracy" too?

In Athens, the assembly had the final say on any issue, but in Sparta, a much smaller council that had final say on all issues. So the assembly didn't have any real power.


Suggest up to 5 ways that learning more about Ancient Greece might benefit us living in Canada today?

100 points each

All reasonable, non-silly answers accepted.