What is a stranger?
Someone you don't know
What is an aquaintance
Somone you see around, but don't know them well
What is family?
Could be people who take care of you, people you live with, people you are related to
What is a friend
Someone who likes to spend time with you and who makes you feel safe and happy
More than friends means that one of you or both of you have romantic feelings
Are strangers safe or dangerous?
Some strangers are safe, some are dangerous
Where do you see usually see acquaintances
At school, at work, at church
What are 3 things your family should always do
be kind to you, defend you, support you, etc.
What are 3 things that friends should always do?
tell the truth, treat you nicely, stand up for you, etc.
How do you find out if your CRUSH likes you?
Restaurant workers, police officers, doctors, dentists, people who wave, smile, say hi, then keep walking, etc.
If you see someone around everyday and they always wave and say hi, does that mean they are your friend?
NO! Just because someone says hi to you does not mean they are your friend.
What are 3 things your family should never do?
What are 3 things friends should NEVER do
Make fun of you, lie to you, hit you, hurt you, touch you in your private parts, kiss you like a lover, etc.
What should you do if your crush does not like you back?
Why is it dangerous to talk to strangers or wave at strangers?
They might become upset and/or they might try to hurt you
If a person is really nice and says "how is your day?" should you respond and say, "my day is good. How is your day?"
Yes. That's a polite response.
No. If your family members try to be romantic with you, you should tell someone you trust about it and ask for help.
If you think your friend is SEXY, can you text them heart emojis every night before bed?
No. You are just friends. If you like them, you should tell them and find out if they like you too.
What should you do if you want to become boyfriend or girlfriend with your crush?
Ask them on a date. Get to know them.
What are some clues that a stranger might be dangerous?
Screaming, talking to self, have weapons, mean face on, ask you for money, ask you to go with them, call you over to them, bad words, not acting like a grown up
If someone is really nice to you, and you wave at them every day, and they say "Hey! Can I take you downtown to get starbucks together? I can totally pay for you!"
NO! Just because they are nice and wave at you does not mean they are your friend. It is dangerous to go anywhere with them until you get to know them better.
What should you do if your family hurts you, touches you in your private parts, or kisses you like a lover?
Tell someone you trust and/or call the police
What should you do if your friend hurts you, touches you in your private parts, or kisses you like a lover?
Tell someone you trust and/or call the police
What are 3 places you can go on a date?
Restaurant, Park, Ice Cream, Concert, etc.