Key Story Events
One-eyed cannibal who prays for Odysseus to never get home
Who is Polyphemus?
Which character traits does Penelope reveal in Part II of The Odyssey? a. stubbornness and fear. c. indecision and panic. b. weakness and longing. d. caution and loyalty.
What is d. caution and loyalty.
Define and use in a sentence: disdain
What is hatred. It is well known that the Grinch disdains Christmas - until he has an epiphany (and his heart grows bigger).
Which deadly sin is Odysseus most guilty of committing?
What is pride
Explain two reading strategies.
What is Rereading; reading ahead; reading in sentences; paraphrasing; using historical background; making connections; questioning; visualizing; making inferences; determining importance; synthesizing information
King; hero; crafty; clever; skilled with hands; merciless
Who is Odysseus?
Which answer best characterizes the character of all the gods in the Odyssey? a. The gods don’t care what the humans do and take no interest in human affairs. b. The gods extend kindness to all the humans and help them win their battles especially evident in the last scene with the suitors. c. The gods seem to have jealousies and pick sides in the battles, helping those they like and hurting those that insult them. d. The gods punish the humans and only care about their children and offspring.
What is c.The gods seem to have jealousies and pick sides in the battles, helping those they like and hurting those that insult them.
What is an immeasurable depth. Adventurers have often explored the abyss of ocean and space.
Odysseus's internal conflict
What is pride
Odysseus's treatment of the suitors reveals which trait?
What is merciless
Blind prophet; tells Odysseus how to get home
Who is Tiresias?
Which of the following sentences best summarizes the Argus episode? a. Odysseus fails to recognize his faithful dog Argus who then dies of neglect. b. A dog named Argus is near death and lies unnoticed by former master, Odysseus. c. Odysseus's faithful dog Argus, weak through neglect and abuse, wags his tail at the sound of Odysseus's voice, and then dies. d. Before Odysseus can care for his dog Argus, the neglected animal dies.
c. Odysseus's faithful dog Argus, weak through neglect and abuse, wags his tail at the sound of Odysseus's voice, and then dies.
What is shrink or move away from, as if fear. Some people say that cowering during a bear attack only makes the bear more enraged.
Polyphemus's prophecy:
What is take a long time to get home, return alone, under strange sail, to bitter days at home.
Define epic simile.
What is What is a A long elaborate comparison between two dissimilar actions or objects.
Greek king who gets stabbed in the back when he gets home
Who is Agamemnon?
Once Odysseus has killed all the suitors, how does he react to Penelope’s coldness and the test that she puts him through?
What is he rages at her because he feels she may have betrayed him.
What is compensation. My parents demanded restitution for my bad behavior; I had to help my father build a shed.
Tiresias's prophecy:
What is return home alone, find bitter days, enact justice, make a supplication to Poseidon, and will then live a long and peaceful life.
Explain something you learned about yourself or life during the Odyssey unit.
What is never give up, but be able to compromise in certain situations. Keep a big picture goal in mind and tweak your smaller goals in order to achieve it. Keep your home and family in the front of your thoughts. You can read the Odyssey! Life is easy compared to what Odysseus endured. Separated families must have patience and faith as they endure enormous pressures. Penelope is an amazing woman. Just because you have flaws does not mean you are a bad person. It is how you acknowledge the flaws that counts!
God of archery
Who is Apollo?
In the final resolution (after Penelope), two things that must happen to happen to complete the story.
What is Odysseus needs to make a sacrifice to Poseidon. Athena needs to bring peace.
What is prayer or sacrifice. In hopes of doing well, I often make supplication to the gods before taking an extremely difficult test.
Odyssey learns from the Land of Dead
What is don't trust anyone when he returns home (from Agamemnon), suitors are after his kingdom and Penelope but she remains faithful to him (from his mother), that being alive is better than being dead (from Achilles and his mother).
Symbols in the story include:
What is the bed (life, O+P bond and family, center of the kingdom), the bow (O as master of art of killing and art of music/fine arts; power and accuracy), Argus the dog (faithfulness, mistreatment), Penelope (faithfulness, guile, resourcefulness = ideal match for Odysseus)