Last Days in Vietnam
Vietnam Veterans Recount Their War Experiences
Core Vocabulary
Vietnam War 1
Vietnam War 2
What is the block of land in another country that technically is U.S. territory?
U.S. Embassy
How did the veterans feel collectively about the war?
They were sad, frustrated and restless.
a word part added to the end of a root or base word
What is suffix
How much did the U.S. give to the French to destroy North Vietnam?
What was $15 million
National Liberation Party that sought independence from the French Empire
What is Vietminh
What type of transportation was primarily used to get people out of Ho Chi Minh City during the evacuation?
What were helicopters.
What does DMZ zone mean?
Demilitarization zone
clearly stated
What is explicit
Who was president at the start of the Vietnam War?
Who was President Nixon
people living in South Vietnam who were helping the North Vietnamese
What is Viet Cong
Name two of the four emergency plans for evacuation out of Ho Chi Minh City?
1) Commercial Aircraft (airplanes) 2) Ships off the dock 3) Trucks and cars driving out of South Vietnam 4) Helicopters
What two countries did the North Vietnamese cut into while transporting goods and soldiers to South Vietnam?
What was Cambodia and Laos
a decision based on reasoning rather than on a direct or implicit statement
What is conclusion
Why did Nixon resign and who took over?
What was the Watergate scandal and President Ford.
The secret path used by the Vietminh to move weapons and people into South Vietnam
What is Ho Chi Minh Trail
How many helicopters did the U.S.S. Kirk land and toss out on its ship?
What was four.
What country was the air base for the U.S. while they were bombing North Vietnam? (They weren't allowed to take pictures or let anyone know that they were there.)
What was Thailand
refers to the emotions (positive or negative) that are associated with words
What is connotative
What was signed to end the Vietnam War?
What was the Paris Peace Accords.
to divide
What is demarcation
Give three reasons why the evacuation of Ho Chi Minh City dragged on to the very last minute.
1) Ambassador Martin was invested in the war. He lost a son in the war. 2) The soldiers had friends and family in South Vietnam 3) There was illegal smuggling of South Vietnamese out of the country 4) They had to use helicopters which were very slow And more
What was Operation Sting?
The Vietnamese had set up a trap for incoming U.S. aircraft by disguising missiles as telephone poles in order to shoot down U.S. aircraft as they flew in.
to make a logical assumption based on observed facts from the text and one’s own knowledge and/or experience
What is draw inferences
What agreement divided Vietnam and where was Vietnam divided? (at the ________)
What was the Geneva Agreements and the 17th Parallel
a small group of people specially trained for a particular purpose or profession
What is cadre