Name That Feeling...
Healthy Coping Methods
Unhealthy Coping Methods

This is how you may feel after someone takes the last piece of candy that you wanted...

Mad, Upset, Jealous, Frustrated, Annoyed


Name 2 healthy coping methods.

Talking to someone, writing, listening to music, exercising, deep breathing, etc.

Jim felt embarrassed at school when his classmates made fun of him for messing up his words when it was his time to read. Jim accepted that he was feeling embarrassed, asked his teacher to help him after school, and listened to music to feel better

What healthy coping skills did Jim use?

Named/identified his emotions, accepted the situation, asked for help, and listened to music.


What are unhealthy coping methods?

Things you do to try and feel better that end up hurting you in the long run even if they make you feel better initially.


True or False: You can unlearn unhealthy coping methods. 



This is how you may feel if someone gives you a special treat...

Surprised, Excited, Happy, Grateful, Loved


Name 3 healthy coping methods that most people do every day without realizing it. 

Getting a good night's sleep, taking a shower/bath, eating regularly, relaxing (watching TV, reading, listening to music), talking to others, etc.


Michael felt embarrassed after he tripped and fell in the hallway. He and his friend got into a fight because his friend said it was his fault for walking fast. What unhealthy coping skills were being used here?

Fighting, blaming, masking your emotions etc.


Name 3 unhealthy coping methods.

Yelling at others, breaking things, hurting yourself or others, stealing, lying, name-calling, drinking alcohol, using drugs, participating in dangerous activities, etc.


What are the actions you do when you have big emotions, and you are trying to make them go away called? 

Coping Methods.


This is how you may feel if you trip and fall in front of your whole class...

Embarrassed, Hurt, Flustered, 


What are the 5 steps in the 5,4,3,2,1 grounding technique? 

5 things you can see

4 things you can feel

3 things you can hear

2 things you can smell

1 thing you can taste


Brittney said that if she was not the best player on her basketball team, she must be the worst. What unhealthy coping skill was Brittney using?

All-or-nothing thinking


True or False: Talking with others about your feelings is an unhealthy coping method. 

False-Talking about your feelings with others is a very healthy way to cope with your emotions. 


What are some other consequences for using unhealthy coping skills?

You can get in trouble, you can feel like everything is crashing down on you, which is overwhelming, you can hurt people and lose friendships, etc.


This is how you may feel if your dog/cat runs away...

Surprised, Sad, Mad, Confused, Lonely


Name the 4 types of flavors/tastes you can use to disrupt your thoughts when you feel your emotions intensifying. 

Sour, Salty, Hot/Spicy, Sweet


Monique was feeling nervous because she heard rumors that her good friend did not like her anymore. She decided to write about her feelings in her journal.

What type of coping skill is this?

Journal writing is a healthy coping skill


Have you ever used unhealthy coping methods? If so, what were they?



What happens when you use withdrawal to cope with your feelings?

You can start to feel alone and like no one understands. 


This is how you may feel if someone has something you really want...

Jealous, Envious, Upset


What are the TIPP scale coping methods?


I-Intense Exercise

P-Paced Breathing

P-Paired Muscle Relaxation


Juan was feeling angry at school today and claimed that everyone was giving him dirty looks. What type of coping skill was Juan using?

Projection is an unhealthy coping method. 


What are the 3 situations in therapy when your therapist is required to break confidentiality (tell others)? 

1. If you want to hurt yourself.

2. If you want to hurt someone else.

3. If someone is hurting you. 

*Bonus- If you give your therapist permission to talk to others. 


Tell me about a time you needed to use a coping method. What coping method did you use? Was it helpful? 
