Earth Science
Water Cycle & Space Science
Earth & Space Science
Life Science & Earth & Space Science
Earth Science and Moon Phases
What would be the order in which sand, silt, and pebbles would most likely be deposited in an area that had recently been flooded, from the bottom to the top?
What is from the bottom to top... pebbles, then sand, then silt?
List the following in order from the largest to the smallest? Jupiter, Earth, the sun, the moon.
What is Sun, Jupiter, Earth, Moon?
How do we know the Rocky Mountains are younger than the Appalachian Mountains?
What is The Appalachian Mountains have tops that are more rounded because these mountains have had more time to erode away. Rocky Mountain Tops are pointed.
Forest plants are most likely to compete for which of these resources? A. pollen B. carbon C. oxygen D. sunlight
What is D?
A teacher add a small amount of acid to a beaker of water. He uses this mixture to dissolve different minerals. Which process is the teacher most likely demonstrating? A. Evaporation. B. Condensation. C. Cave Formation. D. Crystal Formation.
What is C?
Name one advantage of flooding and one disadvantage of flooding.
(Answers may vary) What is destroys animal's and human's habitat. Kills animals and people. The soil is more fertile after the water has receded.
A. Name the steps of the water cycle. B. Select one of the processes you named in part A and explain how the process would be affected if the temperature of the environment increased.
What is A. Evaporation, Condensation, Precipitation, Run-off. B. More evaporation and less of everything else.
Which of these most often reacts with limestone to form caves? A. volcanic gases B. acidic rainwater C. roots from trees D. bacteria in the soil
What is B?
Which geological feature does not provide evidence for the theory of plate tectonics? A. Mid ocean ridges. B. U Shaped Valleys C. Volcanic Island Chains D. Continental Mountains Ranges.
What is B?
What gas is most abundant in our atmosphere? 2nd?
What is Nitrogen? Oxygen?
A collection of fossils provides evidence of how... A. Environmental conditions and life forms changed over time. B. Organisms communicated. C. Organisms became extinct. D. Human activity has changed the world's environmental conditions.
What is A?
Our sun is the major source of energy that reaches Earth's surface. If the amount of the sun's energy was reduced by half, many changes would occur on Earth's surface. A. Identify 2 changes that would occur on Earth's surface if the amount of the sun's energy was reduced by half. B. Explain a long term effect that each of the changes you identified in part A would have on Earth's environment.
What is (Answers will vary) A. (1.) The temperature would be colder.(2.) There would be less running water. (3.) Less Producers (4.) Less consumers. B. (1.) Temperature would cause the plants to grow near the equator (where continuous direct sun-light) would hit the Earth. Everywhere else would be too cold for plants to exist. (2.) More frozen water. Less water evaporation for water cycle, therefore less weather.
A. What is a decomposer? B. Give one example.
What is A. breakdown of organic material. B. Mushrooms.
Fog seems to disappear... A. Because water vapor is condensing. B. Because water vapor is evaporating.
What is B?
Why does California have more earthquakes yearly, than Kentucky?
What is Kentucky is located farther from tectonic plates.
Which statement best explains why Earth's climate is warmer at the equator than it is at the poles? A. The wind speed is faster at the poles than at the equator. B. The rays from the sun strike more directly at the equator than at the poles. C. The clouds are thicker over the equator. D. The distance from the sun to the equator is less from the sun to the poles.
What is B?
Name the inner planets. Explain 2 similarities these planets have in common.
What is Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars. They are similar in size and they are terrestrial, which means they are rocky and solid.

The water levels of large bodies of water move up and down in regular patterns. A. Name this movement of the water levels. B. Name the force that causes this movement. C. Describe or draw and label, the objects and the interactions that cause the movement and force you named.

What is A. Tides B. Gravity between the Earth and the Moon. C. Drawing & labeling or explanation must be perfect.

There was a small bush, and this bushes population has been decreasing dramatically in the wild since the extinction of a small bird that ate the berries on the shrubs. A. Explain one possible reason the small, bird may have been important to the survival of the tree. B. Describe one adaptation the population of these shrubs might develop over time that would help the species survive without the small, bird. C. Explain why the adaptation you described in part B would help the shrub survive.
What is (Answers may vary) A. The bird may have spread the seeds of this tree, on its feathers or feces. B. Seeds may adapt so the wind may carry them easier OR tree may grow faster OR produce flowers so other organisms may see it easier. C. If the seeds would spread, there would be more trees.

How many days from one full moon to the next?

What is 28 days?

Some of the rainwater that falls in Kentucky may have been, at some point in time, part of the snow in Colorado. Explain, in detail, the process by which snow in Colorado could become after several transformations, rain in Kentucky. In your response, be sure to talk about the stages of the water cycle and the weather patterns that are involved in this process. Be sure to include any changes in state of matter.
What is after the snow has evaporated and condensed to form clouds before the clouds get too full, the wind would take the clouds and blow toward Kentucky. Solid water (snow) the sun's heat would evaporate it and change it to a gaseous vapor. Then condenses and forms clouds. The wind then carries the clouds to Ky. After the clouds get too full, then it precipitates back down to earth in the form of rain, snow, sleet, or hail depending on the temperature. Finally run-off takes the liquid water back into larger bodies of water such as; lakes, river, streams, creeks, or oceans.
The Earth is 1 astronomical unit (AU) from the sun. A. Describe what the sun would look like in brightness and size if the Earth were 0.5 AU's from the sun. B. Describe what the sun would look like in brightness and size if the Earth were 0.8 AU's from the sun. C. Describe what the would look like in brightness and size if the Earth were 1.5 AU's from the sun. D. Describe the changes to the climate if the earth were 0.5 AU's from the sun.
What is A. very bright and very big. B. Bigger and Brighter from what we see, but not as big and bright as what is seen from 0.5 AU's. C. Smaller and not as bright. D. Hot and dry. Water would evaporate and humans would not be able to leave there.
A. Identify the force that keeps the moon in orbit around Earth and Earth in orbit around the sun. B. Describe one way that the force you identified in Part A affects Earth's oceans. C. Describe one change that would occur on Earth if the distance between the moon and the Earth were different.
What is A. Gravity. B. High Tides and Low Tides. C. Closer - Tides would be stronger, because of more gravitational pull. Farther apart - Tides would be less - lower tides.
That type of rocks are sandstone, limestone, and shale? A. Igneous B. Sedimentary C. Metamorphic
What is B?

Draw and label a solar eclipse. Draw and label a lunar eclipse.

What is look at pictures?  drawing must be perfect to get credit.

Solar Eclipse = S -M - E

Lunar Eclipse = S - E - M