True or False: I can sharpen my pencil in class.
False, it's loud and distracting.
True or False: It should take me no more than 3 minuets to log in to the computer.
Groups means I will be: ___________, and on ______________.
with a teacher, and on istations reading.
What is Mrs. Bolanos husbands name?
If I don't pick up after myself, who will have to?
Mrs. Bolanos and she wont be happy.
True or false; we sometimes get on istation Math
We have a line order when coming in and out of the classroom.
FALSE, but be in line.
What country did Mrs. Bolanos live in?
What should 3 things should I bring/have for Workshop?
I need to wear my headphones.
True, this shows mutual respect.
My voice level should NEVER be over a level ___________.
Level 2
A baby girl!
Where are the pencils?
In the back
How long do I usually need to spend on istation?
15:00 unless told other wise
the back table, carpet, epic, and istation.
What was Mrs. Bolanos name last year?
Mrs. Winden
Where should I look if I don't know where I am supposed to be?
The board OR ask someone in my group.
What is the repercussion for touching (closing, pushing buttons) someones computer?
Mrs. Bolanos will move you, and extra istation time.
Show me how to ask to go to the bathroom. How about a drink?
Hand sign
Why are you in THIS workshop?