If you are completing a paper assignment, where does it go after you complete it?
In the pink tray on the counter, unless otherwise instructed.
How often does your folder need to be checked by a supervising adult?
Every night
What are 2 things you should do at an assembly in the theater?
Sit quietly
Listen to the presenter
Participate when appropriate
Always be kind / cheer for others
Use your manners
Signal when requested
How do you tell Ms. Dawkins you need to use the restroom?
Restroom signal.
What happens if someone rings our doorbell?
the student who has been assigned to doors needs to walk to the door and ask "Who is it?" If they recognize the person they may open the door.
What is the consequence if you do not turn your Cursive in by Friday morning?
You have to take it outside on a clipboard and do it at recess.
What should you do if you are having a problem with another student?
Try to work it out between yourselves. Remember, kindness is always best! If you cannot resolve it, let the teacher know what the problem is and how you have tried to solve it. (Solve your own problems)
What do you do if an announcement comes on over the loud speaker?
Freeze and stop talking. Wait for instructions from your teacher.
*It is important to be quiet so everyone can hear- even if it does not pertain to you- it may pertain to someone else in the room and they need to hear it.
How do you line up and walk down the hallway?
Quietly and in a single file line
What are your choices if you finish an assignment early?
Read a book, finish Spelling/Vocab, work on Dreambox
What happens if you turn in work that is not complete or is not your best work?
You will be asked to complete it, correct it, or redo it
What should you do first thing in the morning when you arrive? What is the procedure?
Unpack, breakfast, Pencils, carpet
What should you do before speaking out in class?
Raise your hand and wait on the teacher to call you.
Who's responsibility is it to keep up with supplies and keep the table clean
Every one in your table group
Are you allowed to chat or comment with other students on Google Classroom
No. Only the teacher
Independent work time should be what two voice levels?
What do you do during small group time?
Work quietly, stay in your seat unless handing in work, use the restroom/get a drink, ask 3 experts before me.
What are 3 things you should do in the cafeteria to show responsibility and respect?
Clean up behind yourself, use the restroom before we go, get everything you need before sitting down, walking feet not running, calm bodies, voices, etc.
Where do you get extra school supply items if you run out or lose yours? (pencils, highlighters, glue sticks, etc)
First check in the plastic bin next to the pencil sharpener. If there are none there, ask the teacher. You may need to have your parents purchase more (headphones, PE shoes, wireless mouse, etc)
What if you click "turn in" or "done" for an online assignment, but you didn't DO THE WORK?
You will get a zero. Sometimes the work can be finished, but sometimes it cannot. Turning in an online assignment with nothing done is like turning in a blank piece of paper. Don't just click the button, DO THE WORK.
How should your desk be organized? What goes in it, on it and in your cubby?
(in this order); writing folder, chromebook, journal books. Cubbies: Textbooks and book boxes
What are the rules during a test?
Stay in your seat
NO talking (to anyone besides the teacher RAISE YOUR HAND)
You cannot use the bathroom, get a drink, get in your cubby, go to the library, etc
Put your head down when finished
How should you behave and operate if another adult or teach is teaching you?
Behave like the BEST 2nd grade class.
When can you get into your cubby/backpack?
When the day starts, or as needed after asking permission from the teacher
What is the procedure for a drill? Name one type of drill and explain...
Fire Drill: quiet, stand and push in chair, line up in number order, alert teacher if someone is missing, follow teacher outside, stay quiet and in line until released
Tornado Drill: quiet, stand and push in chair, line up in number order, alert teacher is someone is missing, follow teacher into hallway, sit on knees with head down, protect head with hands, no talking until released
Intruder Drill: quiet, stand and push in chair, head to cubby area, sit by yours, alert teacher if someone is missing, stay quiet and calm. If outside the room, find a room or other place to hide until safe. If all else fails, attack and run!