Who should we tell if we or someone else injures their head?
We should tell an adult.
Get out of the building right away and tell an adult.
Call 911 when you are somewhere safe.
Where should medicine be stored in your house?
In a cabinet or medicine box that can be reached by an adult.
When going biking or skating what should you wear to keep your body safe?
helmet, elbow pad, knee pads and wrist guards if on your skateboard/scooter
helmet if you are on your bike
What is the crossing guard's job?
The crossing guard helps us safely cross the street. They go onto the road first and stop the cars.
What are some signs and symptoms of a concussion?
headache, blurred or double vision, dizziness, confusion, nausea, vomiting, not remembering what happened
Why should families have a meeting location outside of their home?
In case people in the family get separated during an emergency, they can meet up safely.
What is dangerous about using knives in the kitchen?
Knives are sharp and you can easily cut yourself. Always ask an adult for help.
Where should you cross the street if you are on your bike/scooter/skateboard?
Cross the road at the corner, get off of your bike/scooter/board and walk it across the street.
Why is it dangerous to run in the halls?
You could bump into someone, you could trip and fall, you could slip on wet floors.
How long could it take for concussion symptoms to happen?
Usually right away but sometimes they take hours or days to show up.
Ture or False: If we are having a fire drill at school it is okay to hid in the bathroom.
False. During a fire drill everyone must leave the school.
What could happen if you put something metal into an electrical outlet?
You could get a shock of electricity through your body and be electrocuted. You could cause a fire.
What do you need to do to make sure your helmet will work to keep you safe.
Make sure it's the right size (not too big or small), wear it in the correct position (cover forehead) and do up the straps.
What is the safest way to travel with scissors in your hand?
scissors closed, hand around the cutting part, pointed down at your side. Walking only.
How can concussions happen?
It happens when our head is hit, or an injury makes our head move back and forth with a lot of force.
If there is a fire on the stove in your kitchen should water be added to the stove to put the fire out?
No, it is dangerous to add water to a stove fire. A fire extinguisher or a fire blanket is the safest way to put out the fire.
True or False: Stairs are dangerous and should be blocked off for small children and kept clean of toys and clothes.
True. It is very easy to trip and fall down the stairs, especially if there are things on the steps.
What should you do with your equipment before riding?
check it over for flat tires, broken wheels, loose screws
Why can't we eat, chew gum when in the gym?
It is easy to choke on food/gum. Food makes a mess on the floor and makes it dangerous for people to run.
What are some activities that can cause a concussion?
football, rugby, trip and fall, car accident, rough play on playground, anything where your head can be hit
If you see someone with their clothes on fire (or if your clothes are on fire) what should they do?
Stop. Drop to ground and Roll on the ground to put out the fire. Someone can call 911 for help.
Stop. Drop. Roll.
If you are home alone and a stranger comes to the door, what should you do?
Do not answer the door. Stay away from the windows so that people cannot see you.
What hand signals should you learn before riding a bike?
Stop: right arm hand up, elbow bent
Right turn: right arm straight out to side
Left turn: right arm hand down, elbow bent
Why can't we throw snowballs at people when at school?
Someone could get hit in the eye or the head and get hurt.