Establishment, growth, maturity, post-maturity
What are the stages of the business life cycle?
Adapting to changing circumstances
What is the contingency approach?
Business goals and long-term growth
What are the vision, goals and/or objectives in the business planning process?
Avoiding over-extension of finance and other resources
What are critical issues in business success and failure?
Ryan, Luke, Keira
Who are Mrs Chandler's children? Or What are Mrs Chandler's children's names?
size, ownership, finance
What are the factors influencing choice of legal structure?
Strategic thinking, vision
What are the skills of management?
Qualifications, skills
What are the personal qualities that influence establishing a SME?
Entrepreneurship and risk
What is the nature of business?
What year did Mrs Chandler graduate from high school?
Economic, financial, geographic
What are the external influences in the business environment ?
Motivation, mentoring
What is achieving business goals in staff involvement?
Break-even analysis
What is forecasting in the Business Planning Process?
Products, location, resources
What are the internal influences in the business environment?
Coco (be specific)
What is the name of Mrs Chandler's Cavoodle/dog?
Responding to challenges at each stage of the business life cycle
What is business growth and decline?
Ethical business behaviour
What is the management process?
Using technology
What are critical issues in business success and failure?
Setting achievable goals
How can change be managed effectively?
Solomon Islands. China
Where was Mrs Chandler's parents born?
Local, national, global
What is the classification of business?
Business information systems
What is identifying the need for change in managing change effectively?
New, existing, franchise
What are the establishment options that influences establishing a SME?
Skills and costs – wage and non-wage
What are the HR influences in establishing a small to medium enterprise?
What was the year Mrs Chandler started teaching?