An agreement between nations to aid and protect one another
What is alliance
The name of the conflict between England and France in America
French and Indian War
Illegal trading of goods
What is smuggling
A representative to the colonial Virginia government
What is Burgess
Why Africans were chosen as slaves in the Americas
What is because they were 1. used to work 2. they were immune to disease 3. they were used to weather
Where slavery started in present-day United States
What is Jamestown
A colony under the direct control of the English king or queen.
What is a royal colony
Colony surrendered without firing a shot
What is New Netherland/New York
A king gave land to one or more people in return for a yearly payment
What is a proprietary colony
Invented practical devices that helped improve daily life
Who is Benjamin Franklin
One reason Pontiac's War is significant
What is because 1. it was the first large-scale rebellion by Natives against a European power. 2. It led to distrust among colonists against the Natives. 3. It proved that the British no longer needed to compromise with Native groups.