
You tell your friend, "Hey, I know you love that song, but can you quit talking about it all the time?" How will your friend feel? How could say that nicely?

They will have their feelings hurt. You could say, "I know you like that song, but could we talk about something else?"


You mom asks you to put your clothes away, but you keep watching your favorite movie instead. How will she feel? What should you do?

She will be disappointed that your aren't listening to her. You should pause your movie, put your clothes away, and then, go back to watching your movie.


Your teacher says, "Class, please quit talking and focus on what we are doing." How are they feeling? What can you do?

They are feeling frustrated. You can quiet down and pay attention.


Your friend is trying to talk to you about the new movie they saw this past weekend. You ignore them and keep listening to a song on your chromebook. How will they feel? What should you have done?

They will feel sad or upset that you aren't paying attention to them. If someone seems excited about something, you should be a good friend and pay attention.


You say to your brother, "Great job at the soccer game, even if you didn't score any goals." How will he feel? What could you have said?

He could think you are making fun of him for not scoring a goal, even if you thought you were being encouraging. You should have just said, "Great job at the soccer game!"


You raise your hand and start answering a question without being called on. How will your teacher feel? What should you do?

The teacher might feel annoyed. You should wait to be called on before you start talking.


A friend calls you on the phone to tell you their dog died. You say, "I am so sorry this happened. I know you must feel really sad." How will they feel?

They will feel like you care about them and their feelings.


You go to your cousin's house, turn on the TV and put on your favorite show. You don't even ask them what they would like to watch. How will they feel? How should you have handled that situation?

They might be a little annoyed or surprised by your actions. You should ask if you can watch TV, and then, ask if you can watch your favorite show.


Your best friend wants to go with you to the mall on Saturday, but you already have plans with your family. You tell them you can't go with them, but maybe you can pick another day to go to the mall. How will your best friend feel?

They will be glad that you are honest with them and want to go to the mall on a different day.


You start eating dinner and say, "I hate this pork chop and green beans. Why did you make these, Mom? They taste terrible." How do you think your mom will feel? What could you have said?

Mom will feel sad and upset because she spent a lot of time making dinner. You could have said, "I really don't care for pork chops, Mom. Could I make myself a sandwich to eat instead?"


Your boss is having a very busy day at work. There are many customers, and they are training 2 new employees. How do you think they are feeling, and what can you do to help them?

They are feeling stressed out and a little anxious. You could make sure you're helping at work and doing some extra tasks to help out.


On Sunday, you go for a walk with your friends and one of them trips and falls. You start laughing and asking them if they have 2 left feet, before you help them up. How will they feel? What should you have done?

They will be upset that you are teasing or making fun of them by laughing, even if you are trying to joke about it to make them feel better. You should check to see if they are hurt before you make a joke.


Your sibling comes home from school, and they tell you that they got a bad grade on a test. They start to cry. How are they feeling? What can you do or say to them?

They are feeling sad and upset. You could give them a hug and tell them to ask the teacher if they can redo their test.


Your teacher is looking a little down today. Also, they have a quiet voice. The teacher tells the class that their cat died last night. How is your teaching feeling? What could you say or do for them?

They are feeling sad. You could say, "I understand why you are feeling so sad today. I hope you feel better soon." Also, you could make them a card.


You walk up to the counter at the post office. The postal worker says, "Hello, how may I help you?" You stand there saying nothing. How will the postal worker feel when you do that? What should you do or say?

They will feel awkward because you aren't talking to them and asking them for what you need. You should greet them and ask for stamps or how to mail your package.