How do you say 16 in French?
What is 'du pain' in French?
What does s'il vous plaît mean in French?
How do you say T-shirt in French?
What does 'Qu' est-ce que c'est?' mean?
What is this?
What does dix-neuf mean in French?
What is 'du jus d'orange' in French?
How do you say 'thank you' in French?
Where do you wear 'pantalons'?
On your legs - they are trousers.
What does 'Comme s'appelle-tu?' mean in French
What is your name?
How do you say 21 in French?
How do you say eggs in French?
des œufs
What does 'Bon après-midi' in French?
Good afternoon
What is 'une robe'?
It is a dress.
What does 'Puis-je aller aux toilettes?' mean in French?
Can I go to the toilet?
What does trente mean in French?
How do you say vegetables in French?
des légumes
How do you say, 'See you tomorrow' in French?
À demain
What is 'un pull rouge'?
A red jumper.
How do you say, 'I don't understand' in French?
Je ne comprends pas.
How do you say 51 in French?
How do you say cereal in French?
des céréale
How do you say, 'Happy birthday' in French?
Joyeux anniversaire
What are 'des collants violets'?
Purple tights
What does 'Je ne parle pas beaucoup anglais' mean in French?
I don't speak much English.