Nature of Science
Physical Science
Earth's Surface and weather
Life science

What are the steps to the scientific method?

State the problem/ask a question

research/make a hypothesis

perform the experiment

collect and analyze data



What is the Law of Energy Conservation?

energy can neither be created nor destroyed


The average wind speed, humidity, and temperature of an area over an extended period of time are factors of


 is the average of wind speed, humidity, temperature and other weather factors over an extended period of time.


list the levels of classification starting with the broadest level

Domain Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species


In the organization of living things, tissues combine to form



What is independent and dependent variable?

factor in the experiment that is change by the experimenter

the measurable outcome that depends on the IV


The measure of the distance an object travels in a certain length of time is the object's

The measure of the distance an object travels in a certain length of time is the object's speed. Speed describes how fast the object is moving.



The parts of the Earth that contains living organisms

Type of sphere



What is the language used to classify living things



What is cell theory?

3 main points

  • All living things are made up of one or more cells.
  • The cell is the structural and functional unit of all living things.
  • Cells come from pre-existing cells through the process of division.

After doing research on plants and fertilizers, a 5th grade science class states the hypothesis for their experiment; "If a plant receives fertilizer, then it will grow to be bigger than a plant that does not receive fertilizer." 

What is the independent variable and dependent variable?


DV-plant growth


A boulder that is resting on the top of a cliff slips over the edge and accelerates towards the ground. As the rock falls, the amount of kinetic energy  

As the rock falls, the amount of kinetic energy increases. Kinetic energy is energy of motion, and potential energy is transformed to kinetic energy as the rock accelerates toward the ground.


The surface of the Earth changes from processes such as erosion. Give an example of these changes to Earth’s surface due to erosion?

the wind picking up dust and carrying it

Water carrying sediment

movement of sediment


What does the scientific name consist of

written in Latin, it includes the genus name followed by the species name


What name is given to a set of organs that work together to perform a specific function?



Which best describes the difference between a theory and a hypothesis?

A)A hypothesis can be tested and a theory has already been tested.

B)A theory can be tested and a hypothesis has already been tested.

C)A hypothesis must be testable and theory does not need to be testable.

D)A theory must be testable and hypothesis does not need to be testable.  

A. A hypothesis can be tested and a theory has already been tested.


When a moving object is acted on by unbalanced forces, the object will

A)stop moving.

B)move in unpredictable patterns.

C)move in the same direction as the stronger force.

D)move in the direction opposite the stronger force.

C)move in the same direction as the stronger force.


When air masses collide in the atmosphere, different types of fronts can form. Which type of front forms when a warm air mass gets caught between two cold air masses?

occluded Front

What are the 3 domains?

Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya


What are two organelles/structures found in a plant cell but 

cell wall 



A scientific theory can be defined as a well-supported and widely accepted explanation of nature. According to this definition, which statement describes a scientific theory.

A)Energy can be neither created nor destroyed.

B)F = ma; force equals mass times acceleration.

C)For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

D)The Earth’s magnetic field is generated by a conducting fluid in its core.

D)The Earth’s magnetic field is generated by a conducting fluid in its core.

A scientific theory summarizes a hypothesis or group of hypotheses that have been supported with repeated testing.


Jill activates a reusable hand warmer on a chilly day. As it warms her hands, the liquid inside the warmer crystallizes. Describe the process.

A)Chemical energy is modified to mechanical energy during the crystallization.

B)The energy in the liquid is reformed in an endothermic crystallization reaction.

C)The potential energy of the supersaturated liquid is converted to heat as the compound crystallizes.

D)The kinetic energy in the liquid is transferred to the crystals is an endothermic process.

C)The potential energy of the supersaturated liquid is converted to heat as the compound crystallizes.

The potential energy in the liquid is converted to heat as the compound crystallizes.


Destructive waves erode the coastline in a number of ways. Identify the term that describes when bits of rock and sand in waves grind down cliff surfaces like sandpaper.

A)abrasion B)solution C)attrition D)hydraulic action  

A) abrasion


Free Space


Clostridium botulinum is a pathogenic organism that has been shown to be of some benefit as well being potentially dangerous to humans. It was first discovered as one type of food poisioning, but it is now being used by cosmetic surgeons as a way to remove wrinkles.
This organisms is BEST classified as a
