Name 1 infraction (things you’re not supposed to do).
When you hold up “two fingers” crossed, what does that mean?
What is Bathroom
What is Mrs. Flores first name?
Who is Melissa
What time does chapel start?
What is 8:30am
What is under your desk and cover your head.
Name 1 classroom requirement.
What is :
Ask Questions
Take Notes
Bring Materials
Be responsible
How many days do you get to turn in work after being absent (excused)?
What is 2 days?
What is the name of the college/university she attended?
What is Northern Arizona University (NAU)?
Where do students go in case of a fire or fire drill?
What is to the back parking lot of the church close to the brick wall?
What is our room number?
What is room 105?
What do you need to do after you ask permission to go outside of class?
What is sign-out sheet.
What is the purpose for an agenda?
What is writing all assignments, important dates, and homework?
Name two of her favorite hobbies.
What are the name of our school directors?
What was the main idea of today’s devotional?
What is when I am weak, God is strong?
How many chances do you get before your parents receive a phone call regarding your behavior?
What is 2 chances.
What is 20%?
How many instruments can she play and what are they?
What is 3; Bass, Piano, Guitar?
What is Academic Integrity?
What is: doing the right thing, even when no one is looking at school?
If you see bullying or some one doing something they are not supposed to be doing, what do you do?
What is report it to the teacher and/or the Directors?
Name 3 of the 5 classroom rules (hint: the 5 P’s).
When you hold up four fingers, what does that mean?
What is Tissue / Kleenex
What is the name of the school Mrs. Flores taught before TACA?
What is Kofa High School
What are the name of all the teachers at TACA?
Who is Ms. Teresita, Ms. Roque, Mrs. Mendoza, Mrs. Flores, Mr. Jorda R., and Mrs. Lili
How many total students are enrolled in TACA?