What is the procedure for when a visitor enters the classroom?
Let them see you at work; don't leave your seat or call out to the visitor.
What are the procedures for using the restroom during the day?
1. If at all possible, go before school or during lunch.
2. Only if its an emergency.
3. If you have a bathroom pass, you may go any time that Mrs. Frank is not talking, as long as the pass is available; sign out and take the pass. Place you pass in the inbox.
What do you do when Mrs. Frank says "Eagles"?
Immediately stop talking and say "Pride" in the same voice that she used.
What is Mrs.Frank's Favorite color?
What kind of liquid can you have in the classroom?
No liquid except water is allowed in the classroom.
How do you know when it is okay to talk in class?
Follow Mrs. Frank's instructions and/or check the voice level light.
When is it OK to lay your head down during class?
What do you do when Mrs. Frank says "TEACH"?
Teach your partner whatever Mrs. Frank just taught you. Use excited voices and gestures!
How many kids does she have?
When is it okay to come talk to Mrs. Frank when she is talking to an adult?
Never, Well, okay, if there is a life or death emergency I'd want to know about that.
What is the procedure for when the telephone rings or an announcement comes over the intercom?
Immediately become Super Silent.
What should you do if you are finished with a test or assignment and Mrs. Frank hasn't told you what to do next?
Read OR Check activities on the "What to do when I am Finish" Poster
What do you do when Mrs. Frank says "Give me 5"
Hand goes up, Mouth is close, Ears are listening , Eyes are looking
When is it okay to share your username and password?
What to do when your pencil break in middle of a lesson?
1. Hold Pencil up 2. Walk to black shelf
3.Drop in dull pencil 4.Get a sharpen pencil
When is it okay to get a drink of water?
1. Don't ask to get a drink while a teacher is talking to the whole group. 2. During independent work time, it's okay to get a drink from the classroom fountain without asking. 3. Water bottles are okay as long as the lid is on; they need to be kept on the back counter any time we are using technology.
What is the procedure for entering the classroom (at the beginning of the day, after specials, or after lunch)?
Check the board for daily warm up and start working silently. When there is no specific work on the board or desk, read.
What is one of our classroom expectations?
We respect each other. We are a team. We try our best. We learn from mistakes. We create. We celebrate each other's success.
What is her favorite soda?
When you are finished, how do you turn in your paper?
Turn in your in the turn in box with you class period label
When is it okay to come talk to Mrs. Frank when she's working with an individual student or a small group?
Never! Well, okay, if there is a life or death emergency I'd want to know about that.
What is the proper way to stand and walk in line?
Line up quickly and quietly. Don't touch anyone or anything (including the walls). Stop at all designated stops. Any time you are in a line you need to be completely, 100% silent, whether you are walking or standing still.
What is Mrs. Frank's class motto?
Be Nice, Work Hard.
What is the procedure for bringing cell phones at school?
1. If you bring a cell phone to school, turn it off and leave it in your backpack during the school day (including lunch and recess). 2. Please don't bring a cell phone to school unless you are prepared to comply with Rule #1.
What should you always put on your paper?
Your name, your period, the date and desk number