What word has the synonyms doubtful, skeptical, unsure?
What word means to take all of the attention of?
Define Scrutiny.
A close and careful inspection.
Use Drone in a sentence.
The teacher droned on for so long in class that I almost fell asleep.
I used the ______________ to plow the field.
What word has the synonyms mysterious, puzzling, hidden, disguised?
What word means a blurry or partial idea?
Define Furrow.
a long and narrow ditch
Use primeval in a sentence.
The calculator was so primeval it was probably used 1,000 years ago.
Teddy ________ in pain when he crashed into the other hockey player.
Give 3 synonyms for converge.
rendezvous, join, unite, clash
What word means requiring considerable effort (adj)?
Define explicit.
Clear and easily understood.
Use commence in a sentence.
I commenced the race at 8 am and finished at 11 am.
I _________ a jersey to go to the game.
Give 3 synonyms for hubbub.
cacaphony, commotion, uproar, noise
What word means a rise or rush of something?
Define Dispatch
To send off for a particular purpose or plan.
Use respite in a sentence.
The test was so hard I needed a respite from it so I went to the bathroom.
Ms. Lopez ___________ the notes on the 8 features of civilization to the Mystery section.
Give 3 synonyms for denounce.
protest, blame, debate
What word means warm and friendly?
Define cryptically.
with a meaning that is not easily understood. (adv)
Use cursory in a sentence.
I gave a cursory glance over my paper but because I was so careless, I did not realize I missed a question.
The boy was ______ because he always thought people were saying mean things, when they weren't.