Name the 4 basic needs of animals.
The 4 basic needs of animals are food, water, shelter, and oxygen.
Some animal behaviors are instincts. What is an instinct?
An instinct is a behavior an animal knows without being taught.
Identify three ways that seeds move.
Three ways that seeds move are: -The wind can move seeds around (dandelions, maple seeds) -Some seeds, like coconuts, are carried by water -Animals spread seeds in their droppings after eating fruit -Some seeds, like burs, stick to animals or humans and then fall off later
Offspring (children) look like their parents. For example, I have brown hair and hazel eyes and so does my daughter. Why does this happen?
Offspring look like their parents because they inherit traits from them.
What is one thing ALL living things have in common?
All living things have a life cycle.
Identify 2 traits of insects.
Traits of insects include: 6 legs, a three-part body, antennae, an exoskeleton, most have wings, lay eggs, and take in oxygen through tiny holes in their bodies.
Why do amphibians stay near water their entire lives?
Amphibians stay near water their entire lives because they lay eggs in the water.
What does the stem do for a plant?
The stem supports the plant and it is full of tubes that move food and water throughout the plant.
What is an adaptation?
An adaptation is any trait that helps a living thing survive.
Joe wants to grow a lima bean plant. What are three things the lima bean plant needs to grow?
The lima bean plant will need carbon dioxide, sunlight, water, and nutrients.
Why do birds have different shaped beaks and feet?
Birds have different shaped beaks and feet because they eat different types of food and live in different habitats. Their beaks and feet are adapted to help them get food and survive in their environments.
Identify 2 traits of fish.
Traits of fish include: gills, scales, they live in water their entire lives, and most fish lay eggs.
What do the roots do for a plant?
The roots hold the plant in place and take in water and nutrients from the soil.
What is a life cycle?
A life cycle is a pattern that every living thing follows as it grows and changes. It typically includes birth, growth, reproduction, and death.
In early spring, Jessica watched a frog lay a large cluster of eggs in a pond near her house. She brought the cluster of 60 eggs home to watch them hatch. The 60 eggs produced 35 tadpoles. Jessica raised them to adult frogs before letting them go. What would happen if every egg of every frog in the pond hatched to become an adult?
If every egg of every frog hatched to become an adult this would be a bad thing. There would be too many frogs and they would compete over food, shelter, and space. Too many frogs would be bad for the pond habitat.
What is a complete metamorphosis? Identify an insect that goes through a complete metamorphosis.
In a complete metamorphosis the insect changes the way it looks during its life cycle. Butterflies and moths go through a complete metamorphosis.
What is an incomplete metamorphosis? Identify an insect that goes through an incomplete metamorphosis.
In an incomplete metamorphosis the insect looks about the same throughout its entire life cycle. A grasshopper goes through an incomplete metamorphosis.
What do the leaves do for a plant?
The leaves contain chlorophyll, which perform photosynthesis to make food for the plant. They also take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen.
One behavioral adaptation that some animals have is migration. Define migration and explain how it helps some animals survive.
To migrate means to travel from one place to another and then back again. Some birds migrate during the cold winter months to go to warmer places with more food. If they did not migrate the birds might not survive because food is hard to find in the winter.
What does a flower do for a plant?
A flower attracts pollinators and makes seeds once it is pollinated.
Identify one similarity and one difference between mammals and birds.
Answers can vary. Similarity: Both mammals and birds breathe oxygen through lungs. Similarity: Both mammals and birds take care of their young. Difference: Birds have feathers but mammals have hair or fur. Difference: All birds have wings but most mammals do not. Difference: Birds lay eggs but most mammals have live birth.
Identify one similarity and one difference between reptiles and amphibians.
Answers can vary. Similarity: Both reptiles and amphibians breathe oxygen through lungs as adults. Similarity: Both reptiles and amphibians live on land as adults. Similarity: Both reptiles and amphibians lay eggs. Difference: Reptiles have dry scaly skin but amphibians have smooth moist skin. Difference: Reptiles lay eggs on land but amphibians lay eggs in the water. Difference: Reptiles have lungs their entire lives but amphibians have gills then develop lungs.
Walking through a garden, Danielle stopped to sniff a large white lily. The flower smelled sweet and yellow powder stuck to her nose as it touched the flower’s stamens. As she stood up, a bee flew into the flower. What was the yellow powder? Why did the bee enter the flower? How does this help the flower?
The yellow powder was pollen. The bee entered the flower to drink nectar from the flower. The bee's visit helps the flower because when bees and other pollinators visit a flower pollen sticks to them, which they then carry to another flower. Once the other flower is pollinated it begins to make seeds which will eventually grow into new plants and continue the life cycle.
One behavioral adaptation that some animals have is hibernation. Define hibernation and explain how it helps some animals survive.
Hibernation is to go into a sleep-like state for the winter. Some animals, such as bears and chipmunks, hibernate because they would not be able to find enough food to survive throughout the winter if they stayed active. Hibernating helps them survive so that they do not starve.
Select an animal and describe one physical adaptation of that animal. How does this adaptation help this animal survive?
Answers vary. Some possible answers include: - a giraffe's long neck helps it reach tree branches to eat leaves so it can get food - a chameleon uses camouflage to protect itself from predators - an eagle has a hooked beak and sharp talons to catch and tear its prey