A system for organizing colors
What is the Color Wheel
When you hear the intercom beep, what are you supposed to do?
Stop talking and pay attention
What are you supposed to do when you are finished with markers/color pencils?
Put them back on the supply table.
What type of colors are Red and Blue
Primary Color
In case of a tornado, what do we do?
Quietly line up and go to designated area in the hallwa. (Girls Bathroom)
Colors that are across from each other on the color wheel
What are complementary colors
Do this when entering the classroom
Go directly to seat and sit down
What is the correct way to put supplies up?
Walk them to the table and put them in the correct place.
If I mix Red and Blue, what type of color will I get
In case of an intruder, what do we do?
Barricade the door (stack tables and chairs) and go into the closet and be quiet.
Red, Blue, Yellow
If you need to use the bathroom, when and how do you ask.
When the teacher is done instructing the class, either raise your hand or come talk to the teacher one on one.
In the drawer behind Mrs. Henderson's desk.
In case of a fire, what do we do?
Line up quietly at the back door in a straight line and go to designated area on the track.
Colors that are created by mixing two primary colors
What are Secondary Colors
If the phone rings and you answer it, what should you say?
Mrs. Henderson's room, student speaking.
Put the cap back on
What type of colors are Blue-Violet and Yellow-Green?
If you turn in an assignment late, how do you let the teacher know?
Fill out a sticky note on the make up wall and put it under the correct class
Colors that are created by mixing a primary color with a secondary color.
Tertiary Colors
When packing up/leaving the classroom, what three things should be done?
Put supplies up and make sure desk is cleaned off.
Make sure there is nothing on the floor around your seat or under your table.
Push your chair in.
Once you have washed your paint brush, where are you supposed to put it?
Brush up in the cup
What type of color is named first with a tertiary color. (Ex: Red-Violet)
The primary color first, secondary color second.
If you do not have something that you need to complete an assignment (charger, paper, pencil) when should you let the teacher know?
As soon as possible. Don't wait!