Where are you supposed to unpack each morning?
Near your hook in Ms. Parks' room
What is the #1 Rule??
Be KIND-- Show RESPECT to teachers. Talking back, or any rudeness directed at a teacher and breaking this rule could result in a bummer.
How many pencil sharpeners are there? Where are they?
2! They are both under the bulletin board on top of the bookshelf. Remember: make sure you pick a good time to sharpen!
Who is responsible for keeping your wallets and your money safe?? What happens if you lose your wallet??
YOU!!! Don't lose your wallet!!! :)
What are your teachers names?
Mrs. Howell and Ms. Parks
What is the VERY first thing you should do each morning when you enter the classroom?
Say, "Hello!"
(or Hi, or Hola, or Howdy)
What is another class rule?
Try your best, take care of each other and your things, listen, tell the truth, stay safe
Where is the bathroom? When can I go? When is snack?
It is inside Ms. Parks' room! Please go before you come to school, during lunch, before instruction begins, and especially before specials time. Snack time is at 10:00... Please do not ask when snack is.
What is the only way you are allowed to open the cash register?
If you FIRST already have permission, then hold the drawer as you push the open button.
Bonus: What happens if you take money out of the cash register without permission??
What do you think Mrs. Howell's favorite color is?
What about Ms. Parks?
BlueWhat kind of papers will you have to turn in each morning?
Papers signed by parents, notes from parents, homework, projects
What is one of our class rules?
be kind, try your best, take care of each other, listen, tell the truth, be safe
What if I need a moment to myself?
You are allowed to take a break in the take a break area, use one of the stress relieving items, but only with teacher permission, and only for about 2 minutes to calm yourself.
If you forget to bring your finished work to class, how much money do you owe?
$0.50 per assignment! You will also receive an "oops" sheet so that your parents know you forgot. You will then have to finish that work while your friends go over the answers as a class, and miss out on chances to earn money.
It is no fun if you do not bring your work to class... just do it!! :)
Why do you think "extra recess" is written on the board? What in the world are shhhh tallies?
As a class, we can work together to earn a special prize! Right now, we will be working for extra recess. If you get a bunch of compliments, or days with no shh tallies, we will eventually earn that prize, earning a letter at a time. BUT if you get 5 or more shh tallies, your teacher could erase a letter.
Where can you get hand sanitizer in the classroom?
By the door to Ms. Cristoffersen's room
What is one of our class rules?
be kind, try your best, take care of each other, listen, tell the truth, be safe
Where can you get a tissue?
Near the cash register, near the mailboxes (please remember to throw it in the trash AND get sanitizer
What are IOUs? When can you get one? What are teacher bonuses? When can you get one?
IOUs mean that you OWE money. Your teacher will silently slip one on your desk, so that you know you owe a teacher fee for doing something you're not supposed to be doing. You will need to pay that fee as soon as there is a transition time.
Teacher bonuses can be earned for just about anything extra! If you show extra kindness, do some extra homework problems, or answer a tough question, a penny, nickel, dime, quarter, or a 1$, 5$, 10$ or 20$ bill may just end up on your desk!!
Where should you always put your morning work when you finish it?
What happens if you don't finish your morning work in the morning?
In your own bin!
It needs to be completed by the next morning-- you will turn it in when you complete it (you may have a chance to complete it during the day, or you may have to finish it at home as homework)
What are some other class rules?
be kind, try your best, take care of each other, listen, tell the truth, be safe
Where can you find your job for the week? What happens if you don't do your job?
On the wall as soon as you enter the room- if you don't do your job, you won't get paid!
"no bees, no honey, no work, no money!"
What do you have to pay for in this classroom?
Rent, and all your material fees! You may do this during any transition time. You also may have to pay teacher fees.
What is the best grade in the whole world???
THIRD GRADE!!!!!!!!!!!