A, E, I, O, U
What is the name of the princess in the movie about a maiden who lives with dwarves?
Snow White
What is this word: where
verbal answer
How many seconds are in a minute?
What is the name of the kindergarten teacher
Mrs. Jaramillo
What are the marks in a story to show that someone is talking?
Quotation Marks "... "
What is the Reindeer called in "Frozen?"
What is this word: Her
Verbal answer
What is the name of Luca's dog?
Count to 200 by 10's
10, 20, 30, 40....
A Plant
Fill in the blank:
5+ ? =16
What holiday happens in May? (multiple answers)
Memorial Day, Cinco de Mayo, Mothers Day, Orthodox Easter, Earth Day
What goes at the end of every sentence?
Punctuation: period, exclamation mark, question mark
In what movie does the T-Rex say, "I have a big head and little arms?"
Meet the Robinsons
If you have a quarter and a dime, how many cents do you have?
35 cents
What is one of hobbies of the person to your left?
answers vary
Count by 5's to 100
Which animated creature said the following, "My master made me this collar. He is a good and smart master and he made me this collar so that I may speak. Squirrel!"
Doug from "Up!"
Spell a Sight word (miss Jennifer's Pick)
answers vary
What is the name of Mrs. Jennifer's Dog?