Guidelines for Achievement
Mistakes = Learning!
Missing Class
Odd and Ends

True or False: Students are only considered tardy if they are not in the classroom when the tardy bell rings.

What is FALSE! 

(students are expected to be in their seats and prepared for the bellwork).


What can be redone / corrected in this class?

What is any homework assignment or assessment.


If students are gone the day an assignment is due, when should they turn that assignment in?

What is the day they return to class


What does WIN stand for?

What is "What I Need"


What is the percentage range for each letter grade? 

A=          B=         C=        D=         F= 

What is:

A= 90-100, B= 80-89, C= 70-79, D= 60 - 69, F= 59 and below


Before asking Mrs. Johnson for support, how many classmates should you check in with?

What is THREE


True or False: You can only earn up to 90% for redone work.

What is FALSE.

(you may earn up to FULL credit on redone work)


True of False: In general, students find it much hard to miss school in 6th grade than it was in 5th grade.

What is TRUE


Name two reasons why a student might be in my room for WIN.

What is Math Support and Work Completion


True of False: The Wednesday homework (called the Digging Deeper) may be turned in at any time during the day on Wednesday.

What is FALSE.

(Homework is expected to be turned in earlier in the week or right at the beginning of class on the day it's due.)


Complete the sentence: 

"Respect your rights and _______________________________________"

What is "the rights of others to learn."


What is the deadline for correcting homework or an assessment?

What is the end of the grading period


True or False: Mrs. Johnson posts all items to the stream on Google Classroom.

What is FALSE.

(All materials can be found under the classwork tab)


True or False: If you don't turn in an assignment on time you will receive zero points and be assigned to FULL work completion.

What is TRUE.


How can you or your parents contact me if needed?

What is e-mail



According to the Guidelines for Achievement, how can you display "Best Work" and "Best Self" in class?

What is:

1. Respect your rights and the rights of others to learn. (Best Self)!

2. Work at learning. (Best work!)


True of False: If you reassessing on a quiz, you will be given the exact same assessment that you took the first time.  

What is FALSE

(you will take a different version of the assessment)


When you are absent where should you look for any handouts, homework or notes that you missed?

What is Google Classroom 

(or the blue binder on the counter)


Who can come to get math support during WIN?

What is ANYONE who would like extra math support!


At the end of each standard you will be given an assessment to measure your ___________________.

What is proficiency.


What does it look like to be "ready and prepared to learn" in this class?

What is having your Chromebook, pencil, math binder, completed work and a ready-to-learn attitude. 


How do you complete the correction process?

What is "you must give an explanation pointing out the original error as well as show detailed work for the correct answer"


What materials can be found on Google Classroom?

What is daily activities, assignments and notes.


True or False: If you come in for math support you must stay the entire WIN session.

What is FALSE

(you may stay as long (or little) as needed)


What is the policy regarding cell phones and smartwatches?

What is they are NOT allowed in the classroom