Earth and The Solar System & a little bit of Life Science
Earth Science
Earth Science #2
Life Science
Mrs. Osborne's Science
The difference between day and night on the Earth is caused by… A. The Moon rotating around the Earth B. The Earth rotating on its axis C. The Earth revolving around the Sun D. None of the above
What is B (The Earth rotating on its axis)?
Which of these most often react with limestone to form caves. A. Volcanic gases B. Roots from trees C. Acidic rainwater D. Bacteria in the soil
What is C (Acidic rainwater)?
Which of these is a constructive geological force that occurs regularly in Kentucky? A. Sediment deposition B. Plate subduction C. Mechanical weathering D. Erosion
What is A (sediment deposition)?
What is the role of a mushroom in an ecosystem? A. Producer B. 1st Order Consumer C. 2nd Order Consumer D. Decomposer
What is D (decomposer)?
If you have an unknown substance and you put in water, and the substance sinks to the bottom of the container. You then take the substance out and cut it into 2 equal pieces. You put one piece back into the same beaker of water. What would happen to the unknown substance? A. It will float. B. It will sink. C. It will float and then sink. D. It will sink and then float.
What is B (it will sink)?
The human body is made up of many different types of specialized cells. These cells are arranged together in groups to perform specialized functions that are necessary to sustain life. A. Identify two types of specialized cells that work together in the human body. B. Describe the main function of each type of cell you identified in part A. C. Explain why the two types of cells you identified must work together in order to perform functions necessary to sustain life.
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The substances that cause chemical weathering are most commonly transported from one location to another by… A. Moving water B. Blowing wind C. Migrating animals D. Pollinating insects
What is A (moving water)?
Which of these landforms was shaped mainly by deposition? A. A mountain B. A limestone cave C. A U shaped valley D. A river delta
What is D (A river delta)?
What is the primary source of energy for most ecosystems? A. Producers B. Consumers C. Water D. Sunlight
What is D (Sunlight)?
What process is essential for producers in a food chain to obtain energy? A. Evaporation B. Photosynthesis C. Transpiration D. Digestion
What is B (photosynthesis)?
Tartarian Honeysuckle, a deciduous hard-wood shrub, is of medium height (8 to 15 feet). It is an erect, multi-stemmed plant, with slightly drooping branches. Foliage and branching are dense. The growth rate is about 1 foot per year, and normally it does not bear fruit until the fourth or fifth year. Leaves are simple, smooth, and oval-shaped with pointed tips; they are arranged opposite on the limbs. The flowers are white to pink. The fruit matures in mid-summer. This Honeysuckle is eaten by the Northern Mockingbird. The population of this Tartarian Honeysuckle has decreased dramatically since the Northern Mockingbird has become extinct. Describe one possible reason that the Northern Mockingbird may have been important to the survival of the Tartarian Honeysuckle.
What is spread the seeds of the Honeysuckle?
California has a higher number of earthquakes each year, while Kentucky has very few earthquakes each year. Why? A. Kentucky is located on solid sedimentary rocks, which prevents shaking. B. There are no volcanoes located in Kentucky. C. Kentucky is located farther away from a fault line. D. Kentucky is located farther away from the ocean.
What is C (Kentucky is located farther away from a fault line)?
How does the ozone layer affects living organisms on the Earth. A. It burns up meteorites before they hit the Earth B. It allows the water cycle to cycle water properly C. It protects us from harmful ultraviolet rays D. None of the above
What is C (It protects us from harmful ultraviolet rays)?
In which part of most plants does sexual reproduction occur? A. Leaf B. Flower C. Root D. Stem
What is B (flower)?
A ship accidently carried the same species of rat to two different islands. Overtime the rats on one island developed different characteristics than the other rats. Which would not be a reason why? A. The need to tell one another apart B. Changes in food sources C. The availability of food and shelter D. Changes in weather patterns
What is A (the need to tell one another apart)?
If the last new moon was January 12, 2015, explain how you can predict when the next new moon will be?
What is count 30 days after January 12th.
The Continents of South America and Africa separated and are in their present-day locations as a result of A. A meteorite impact B. Strong ocean currents C. Crustal plate movement D. A large earthquake
What is C (crustal plate movement)?
This year a volcano erupted in Papua, New Guinea. This eruption released a large amount of ash and other volcanic debris into the atmosphere. The amount of sunlight reaching the land decreased. Select 2 effects this eruption had on Papua and the surrounding areas? A. The temperature in Papua, New Guinea will become warmer and some plants may not get enough sunlight to complete photosynthesis. B. The temperature in Papua, New Guinea will become colder and some plants may not get enough sunlight to complete photosynthesis. C. The temperature in Papua, New Guinea will not be disturbed and the plant life will not be disturbed. D. The temperature in Papua, New Guinea will be warmer and the plants will not be disturbed.
What is B?
Environmental changes may require a species to adapt. If the species does not adapt, it may… A. Become extinct B. Create a new biome C. Increase in population D. Create a new organism
What is A (become extinct)?
Salt dissolves or is soluble in water. Which would be the best method to separate the salt from the water? A. Use a filter. B. Evaporate the water. C. Use a magnet. D. Freeze the water
What is B?
A. Name 2 planets that are similar B. Describe 2 ways that the planets are alike. C. Describe 2 ways that the planets are different.
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If you put mud, sand, and gravel in a clear plastic cup. Add water and stir the mixture (this is similar to what happens after a flood) A. In what order will the mud, sand, and gravel appear once the contents of the container have settled? Name the order, beginning with the contents at the bottom. B. Give one positive and one negative effect of flooding.
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Our sun is the major source of energy that reaches the Earth’s surface. If the amount of the sun’s energy was reduced by half, many changes would occur on Earth’s surface. A. Identify 2 changes that would occur on the Earth’s surface if the amount of the sun’s energy was reduced by half. B. Explain a long term effect that each of the changes you identified in part A would have on Earth’s environment.
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Some animals resemble their parents, while others do not. Some characteristics of parents are passed on to their offspring. While other characteristics are not. A. Describe two traits the kittens inherited from their parents. B. Describe two traits the kittens learned from their parents. C. Explain how a kitten inherits traits directly from their parents. D. Predict how life would be different if all organisms inherited exactly the same traits as their parent’s every time.
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A. Name the rise and fall of the water levels in the ocean. B.Name the force that causes this movement. C.Describe, or draw and label, the objects and the interactions that cause the movement and force you named.
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