This Years Vocab
Literary Terms
Sign Posts
Figurative Language in Action
Name that Mood

to overwhelm with a great amount of something

What is to inundate?


The repetition of the end sound of a word

What is rhyming?


when events, images, or particular words recur over a portion of the story or novel

What is again and again?


Death robbed Susan of the chance of happiness she'd always dreamed of

What is personification?


The Mysterious Case of the Missing Lunch

Zara: "Hey, have you seen my lunch bag? I swear I left it right here!"

Ethan: "Maybe it got abducted by aliens for a taste test!"

Zara: "Or maybe the cafeteria food was just too jealous of my mom's cooking skills!"

Ethan: "Well, looks like we have a CRUMBY situation on our hands!" both burst into giggles

What is light-hearted or funny?


Limiting in some way

What is restrictive?


A writer’s tool that occurs any time the author uses details to teach us about a character. This is used over the course of a story in order to tell the tale.

What is characterization?

Pieces of advice or insights a wiser character, who is usually older, offers about life to the main character.

What is words of the wiser?


Corey is a couch potato.

What is a metaphor?


Late one night, a group of students snuck into the school cafeteria, rumored to be haunted. As they tiptoed through the dark room, the chairs began to move on their own, creating eerie shadows on the walls. Suddenly, they heard a ghostly voice whisper, "Who dares disturb the midnight feast?"

What is scary?

To a great extent or with no limit

What is infinite?


An indirect reference to something outside the text, usually a person, place, thing, or idea that is generally familiar to the intended audience

What is Allusion?


Questions characters raise that reveal their inner struggles

What is tough questions?


Clara was his Helen of Troy. Jerimiah would do anything for her.

What is an allusion?


Roger sat at his desk, twisting his pencil between his fingers as his heart raced. Tomorrow's big science test had him in a panic. He imagined forgetting all the answers and the whole class laughing at him. Despite his nervousness, he couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of his best friend's goofy reaction to the stress.

What is nervous?


a structure that provides a controlled environment for living in very hostile or even deadly locations

What is a habitat?


The overall feeling or atmosphere a writer creates for a reader

What is mood?


Ask yourself these three questions while you read informational texts:

What surprised me?

What did the author think I already knew?

What changed, challenged, or confirmed what I already knew?

These are all a part of this sign post.

What is Big Question?


Jaime said to Steve, "That dinner was awfully good."

What is an oxymoron?


As the sun began to set behind the hills, a group of friends stumbled upon an old map hidden in a dusty attic. The map promised a hidden treasure buried deep within the forest, guarded by ancient secrets. Excitement tinged with fear filled their hearts as they realized they were not alone on this thrilling adventure.

What is suspenseful and adventurous?


the internal heat of the Earth

What is geothermal?


A feeling or idea that a word has, in addition to its literal or main meaning

What is connotation?


When the author uses language that leaves no room for doubt, allows for no questions, and may seem to exaggerate or overstate a claim

What is extreme or absolute language?


Did I miss the boat?

What is an idiom?


In a quaint village nestled between rolling hills, two young wizards, Lily and James, found themselves drawn to each other's enchanting powers. As they practiced spells together under the shimmering moonlight, their hearts intertwined in a dance of magic and love. With each incantation, sparks flew between them. The air was filled with whispers of ancient love spells, weaving a tapestry of destined love around the young wizards.

What is romantic and/or fantastical?