Figurative Language
Point of View
Main Idea
Context Clues
What does RACE stand for in RACE Writing? 

R - Restate the prompt

A - Answer the prompt

C - Cite the evidence

E - Explain

What is the difference between a simile and a metaphor?  

Both make comparisons of unlike things

SimiLe - uses Like or aS

Metaphor - does NOT use like of as

A story can be told from first person or third person point of view.  Tell about each type of point of view. 

First person - The narrator is a character IN the story

Clue words:  I, we, we

Third person - The narrator is NOT IN the story

Clue words:  They, he, she


Define the following terms: 

1.  Main Idea

2.  Supporting Details

1.  Main Idea - what the passage is mostly about

(look at title, headings, repeated words/ideas)

2.  Details in the passage that support/explain the Main Idea


What is the meaning of the word controversy? 

There was some controversy about the new school dress code.  While most parents and teachers were in favor of the new code, many students were not. 


If given the following prompt, what type of writing would you be writing? 

You have just read the passage "How Butterflies Came to Be" and "Why Swans Are White".  Compare and contrast butterflies and swans.  Explain how they are alike and different.  Be sure to use evidence from both texts to support your answer. 

Informative Writing - because you are giving information to the reader!

Identify the type of figurative language used:

Ferris is a great guy, but he can be dense as a brick sometimes. 

Simile - because it uses aS to compare Farris to a brick

What point of view is used? 

My father had a small house in Maine.  I was the third of the sons to go on a trip with him to the house.  We fished for fish for hours on the coast. 

First Person

Clues:  My, I, We


What is the main idea of the following passage: 

The potato chip was an invention that accidentally happened.  George Crum was a chef, trying to please a customer who kept sending his french fries back to the kitchen with the complaint that he wanted them crispier and thinner.  Crum kept slicing potatoes and cooking them until they became the crispy potato chips we know today. 

The main idea is how potato chips were invented. 

What is the meaning of the word prominent? 

As the author of the Harry Potter series, JK Rowling is a prominent writer in the field of children's literature. 


If given the following prompt, what type of writing would you be writing? 

You have just read the passage "Snapshot in the City" about a boy, Jake, who is learning to take and develop his own pictures.  Do you think Jake's photographs are valuable?  Why or why not?  Use details from the text to support your answer. 

Opinion Writing - because you are telling what you THINK - your opinion!

Identify the type of figurative language used:

The snowflakes danced on the ground. 

PERSONification because it gives a non-human thing (Snowflake) a human characteristic (dancing)

What point of view is used? 

Poor Jo would gladly have gone under the table, as one thing after another was tasted and left.  While Amy giggled, Meg look distressed.  Miss Crocker pursed her lips, and Luarie talked and laughed with all this might.

Third Person

Clue Words - character names, no I


What is the main idea of the following passage?

During World War 2, Richard Jones was a naval engineer who was working on a ship.  One day Jones was trying to make a meter that monitored power on battleships.  He started working with the tension springs, when one of them dropped to the ground.  The spring kept bouncing from place to place and Jones realized that this could be a toy that children would love.  Thus, the slinky was invented!

The main idea is how the slinky was invented. 

What is the meaning of the word apprehensive? 

Mary was feeling apprehensive about the camping trip.  She had never slept in a tent before and worried there might be bears. 


If given the following prompt, what type of writing would you be writing? 

You have just read the passage "The Mayfield Paint Company" about a company manager who is attempting to get their employees to start a recycling program.  Write the story from one of the employees point of view.  Be sure to include names and dialogue in your story.  Use details from the text when writing your story. 

Narrative Writing - because you are writing a STORY - you are not giving your opinion or information!

Identify the type of figurative language used: 

The clouds were cotton balls in the sky. 

Metaphor - because it compares the clouds to cotton balls with out using like or as

Identify the type of POV used:

"Cannonball!" Julie shouted as he leapt from the pool deck.  The splash was so big and got all the sunbathers wet.  "Wow, I made a big splash" Julie shouted.  The sunbathers smiled at Julie, but inside were very upset.  She swam away quickly to avoid the stares. 

Third person - DO NOT look at dialogue (I) when deciding POV

Read the following passage: 

Meteorologists are scientists who study weather.  Meteorologists use tools such as a barometer, a rain gauge, anemometers, weather balloons, satellites and computers to take weather measurements and record them.  Meteorologists predict the weather using satellite pictures, which help them know what types of weather patters are coming to their area.  Since weather generally moves from West to East, meteorologists note the current conditions of places to the west of their city as a good indicator of what weather their city will be experiencing next. 

Give TWO details that support the main idea of the passage.  (MI:  How meteorologists predict the weather. 

Supporting Details: 

1.  Meteorologists use tools such as...

2.  Meteorologists predict the weather using satellite pictures...


What is the meaning of the word accumulated? 

Over the years, Mrs. Reed has accumulated thousands of books.  She was planning to donate many of them to the school library. 

Collected, saved up

Restate the following prompt: 

You have just read the following passage "Westward Rails"  about the development of the Transcontinental Railroad.  In your opinion did the Transcontinental Railroad change people's lives for the better?  Use details from the text to support your answer. 

Accept any acceptable answer.  Example: 

In the passage "Westward Rails" it states how the Transcontinental Railroad was developed.  In my opinion, the development of this railroad changed people's lives for the better. 


1.  Identify the type of figurative language used: 

The trees swayed like dancers.

2.  Explain the meaning of the sentence. 

1.  simiLe because it compares the trees to dancers using Like

2.  It describes how the trees moved back and forth in the wind like they were dancing. 


Identify the type of POV:

It was a foggy night.  All I could hear was the sound of the barking dog.  Empty boxes were scattered about the streets.  I knew the wind was picking up and a storm was on the way.  I called my mom and ran home as quick as I could. 

First person

Give the main idea and TWO supporting details for the following passage: 

Volcanoes are an interesting Earth phenomenon.  Currently, there are more than 1,500 active volcanoes on the Earth and there are at least 80 more under the oceans.  In the U.S., active volcanoes can be found in Hawaii, Alaska, California, Oregon, and Washington.  Volcanoes are created when magma inside the Earth's upper layer, the mantle, works its way to the surface.  When a volcano erupts, lava flows down the mountain. Over time, if the volcano continues to erupt, it will get bigger and bigger. 

Main Idea:  Volcanoes

Supporting Details: 

1.  In the U.S., they can be found in...

2.  Volcanoes are created when...

3.  When a volcano erupts, lava flows...


What is the meaning of the word jovial? 

Grandpa was in a jovial mood last weekend.  He was making jokes and laughing at everything. 
