What should you do when you arrive to class in the morning?
-Come in at a level zero.
-Read the board.
It should say:
-Unpack your book bag putting your red folder in your desk.
-Grab your Chromebook and a pencil.
-Start on Reflex.
What hand signal do you use to ask to go to the bathroom?
Should you ask to go to the bathroom in the middle of the lesson while we are teaching?
No, wait until independent work time.
How does our class line up to go into the hallway?
-Push in chairs silently.
-Line up facing the front.
-Voice level ZERO.
How do you enter the cafeteria to go to your lunch line?
Walk in a straight line at a level ZERO. One behind the other. You talk when you get to your table.
Should you come out in the hallway in the mornings to talk to Mrs. Mitchell?
No, you should be working on your green lights! I will start checking green lights after the news show (don't come into the hallway anymore)
All papers that go to the office go in the red folder. You put it in there yourself- You don't have to ask
Look at the CHAMPS!
What is your voice level inside the bathroom?
What does our class look and sound like walking in the hallway?
-Walking on the red and black squares.
-Facing the front.
What is the voice level you should be at when you are at your lunch table?
A level ONE- you should be talking to the person sitting beside you. Not shouting to people across the table.
How many behavior warnings do you get before a minor office referral?
On the third behavior warning you get a minor office referral.
Where do you reference if you do not know what the lesson is about?
The lesson Learning Target/Success Criteria!
Facing the front.
Level ZERO.
Not talking to the teacher-unless emergency.
What if another student from another class tries to talk to you or tries to touch your hand while passing you?
-You do not associate with them because you know the expectations of the hallway. You are a leader of our school and you should be the bigger person.
Can you share food at lunch?
NO! Due to allergies- You should not be sharing food at lunch. You eat the food that is on your plate.
How many behavior warnings to you get before a major office referral?
On the fourth behavior warning, you get a major office referral.
Where do you turn in ALL assignments and revisions?
The black turn in bin on the cabinets.
What times of the day do we take a whole class bathroom break?
Before Specials.
After Lunch.
If you go to the bathroom by your self, should you run down the hallway when leaving the bathroom? Why or why not? Explain
No, you should not. You could get hurt when running in the hallway. Also, the expectations are to be walking on the red and black squares on the right side of the hallway. Even when no one is watching. This is called integrity.
What line do we line up at lunch?
The line closest to the doors. You must line up facing the front and at a level zero. When you dump your trays, walk at a level zero to our line.
What has to be finished in order to get recess?
You have to have your green light to get recess
How do you ask to go to the bathroom, get a pencil, get a tissue, etc?
Use the appropriate hand signal.
How many students can go to the bathroom at the same time?
One boy.
One girl.
What should you do if you see someone doing something they are not supposed to do in the hallway? Talk to them or report it to a teacher?
Report to a teacher by raising your hand and let them handle it because the voice level in the hallway is a ZERO.
What do we do after lunch before starting math?
We take a class restroom break. This allows everyone a chance to use the bathroom so that no one is having to go during math time.
What has to be finished in order to get Fun Friday?
-45 minutes I-Ready Reading and Math
-2 lessons passed in both Reading and Math
-5 Green lights (If you don't have 5 green lights you owe me 15 minutes per green light you don't have on reflex during Fun Friday time)