
Which of the following words are proper nouns?

Latonia Elementary School


Ms. L



Latonia Elementary School 

Ms. L


What is point of view?

The perspective from which the story is told. First person & Third person point of view. 


How do you show that you are actively listening?

level 0, turn and face the speaker, eye contact, nothing in your hands.


What should you do if you are called on to answer a question?

Answer the question the best you can - you are not able to opt out of answering a question.


Which text feature provides additional information about a photograph.



Identify the verb in the following sentence:

I baked a cake for Mrs. Dunn's birthday. 



Identify the theme in the following prompt:

One minute we were goofing around and having fun and the next thing I knew, Hank's body soared over the top of the patio and suddenly his life was in danger. With fingers grasped tightly on the railing, he desperately cried for help. I watched his grip slowly slip away and knew that a 40 foot plunge to the ground could be disastrous. Without stopping to consider my own safety, I jumped into action. My heart pounded through my chest and fear pulsed through my veins as a I clutched his hands and pulled as hard as I could. 

See student responses


What are the hallway procedures at Latonia Elementary?

Face forward

Eyes forward

Right side of hall 

Hands by sides

Level 0

True or false: 

You are allowed to say "I'm not working with them" when assigned groups or partners OR "I'm working alone" during group or partner work. 

False - you will work with who you are assigned to. It is not a choice, it is unkind. You also are not allowed to work alone during partner or group work.


How does the heading help a reader?

It lets them know what the entire text will be about.


Identify the adjective(s) in the following sentence: 

Elephants are the strongest animal on earth.



Marcia is a novice soccer player. Today is her first day of practice. Does novice mean professional, skilled, or beginner?



What should you do if you finish your work before other people?


Early Finisher Folder


How should you line up at PPA?

Quick and quiet. 

When whistle blows, go to your line up spot, once you are in line, your voice hits a zero, you are face forward.


Identify the 5 different text structures

1. compare & contrast

2. cause & effect

3. chronological (sequence)

4. description

5. problem & solution


Correct the sentence:

zach went to the grocery store he bought chips drinks and dessert. 

Zach went to the grocery store. He bought chips, drinks, and dessert.


Lisa carefully examined the bug sitting on the leaf. She noticed that it had six legs and a hard shell. Lisa had never seen a bug like this before. She grabbed her magnifying glass and camera. 

What is the MOST LIKELY conclusion you can draw about Lisa? A. She is helpful. B. She is afraid of bugs. C. She is very curious. D. She likes to play soccer.

She is very curious


What should you do every night when you get home from school?

Check agenda. Complete homework if you have some. Make sure an adult signs your agenda. 


Name the cafeteria procedures

1. go through the line at a level 0

2. find your assigned seat

3. wait until cone changes color to talk

4. clean up trash around you

5. line up ready for PPA at a zero


What is the Text Structure?

Wild chimpanzees are rapidly disappearing. Some people are trying to solve this problem. Otherwise, chimpanzees may one day exist only in zoos. People are trying to save the rain forests and woodlands where the chimps live from being cut down. It will take many people working together to solve this problem.

Problem & Solution


Correct the following sentence:

Dear class

this is going to be such a great school year! We are so excited to have u in fifth grade this year. Their are lots of old faces and some new! 

Dear class,

This is going to be such a great school year! We are so excited to have you in fifth grade this year. There are lots of old faces and some new!


Identify the 3 structures found in a literature text

1. circular 

2. linear

3. non-linear


What are our dismissal procedures?

  • Everyone pack up level 0 

  • Write down DOJO points at end of day

  • Get agenda signed by grown up

  • Stay in seat until called to line up in designated area

  • Car riders and walkers stay in homeroom, seated at a level 0.

When called: 

  • CLC line up near science cabinets level 0 facing forward (assigned spots will be given if needed) 

  • Bus riders line up by brown filing cabinet in the back of Mrs. Noonan’s room (assigned spots will be given if needed)


What are the transition procedures?

1 get at a level 0 

2 stand up and push in chair level 0 

3 line up at a level 0

then wait for teacher to invite you in 

go sit in class at a level 0


What is the central idea of this short selection?

Being a clown isn't all fun and games.  Rodeo clowns expose themselves to great danger every time they perform.  When cowboys dismount or are bucked off of bulls at riding competitions, rodeo clowns jump in front of the bulls and motion wildly to get their attention.  In this way rodeo clowns provide an alternate target, and in doing so protect the rider.  So you see, sometimes clowning around can be serious business.

Rodeo clowns protect cowboys by putting themselves in danger.