Classroom Expectations
Classroom Procedures
Classroom Procedures 2
Classroom procedures 3

I should have this "R" word for myself, my classmates and my teacher.

What is Respect?


What do you do when you first come in every day?

Unpack, make sure you have at least 1 pencil, and make sure your laptop is charged.


Where should your celll phone be?

In your backpack on silent


What do you do if you have a question when Mrs. Orsano is helping another student?

Ask the other teachers  in the rule or ask your partner 


How will I know when to start an activity if my teacher is giving directions?

When Ms. Orsano finishes giving instructions.


I should give my best ____________ in everything that I do.

What is Effort?


What should you do if Mrs. Orsano is teaching and you need to go to the restroom?

What is wait until she is finished and ask? 


What do you do if you finish your work early? 

Work on Imagine Reading, Imagine Math or and assignment your teacher assigns. 


What should I do with my computer at the end of the day? 

Give it to the computer monitor so that it can be placed in the cart and charged over night. 


How can you show the speaker that you are giving them your full attention?

S-sit up 

T-track the speaker 

A-ask questions like a scholar 

R-respect those around you 


Everyday I come to class I should be ready to _____. 

What is Learn?


When can I use the bathroom?

During work time or center time. Not during lesson time. Never leave class without a pass. 


What should you do with items that you find in the classroom and don't know who they belong to?

Give it to Mrs. Orsano 


What do you do during quiet work time?

Sit quietly and complete your work. 


What should I do if I am absent from school? 

Have a parent/guardian email me when you are not feeling well. 


What is the first thing I need to do to make sure I can learn what is being taught?

What is "Pay Attention"?


When can I sharpen my pencil?

At the beginning of class or during  work time. Not during teaching or lesson time. 


Where can you turn in your work when it is completed?

Google Classroom or to the work bin. 


How do I know what we are doing in class?

Pay attention, ask your teacher to repeat the instructions or read it on google classroom. 


What can you drink in Mrs Orsano's classroom?

Only water


When is homework due? 

What is due date?


How do we leave the room?

cleaner and neater  than we found it.   


How do we walk into the room?

Walk in quietly, get supplies and sit in your seat. 


What do you have to do when given permission to leave the classroom?

sign out and take the pass


What should you do if you Mrs. Orsano is standing in front of the class?

Sit quietly and wait for directions.