Coping Skills
Goal Setting
Problem Solving

What is Bullying?

A. When someone is mean sometimes and uses bad words

B. Bullying is a form of aggressive behavior in which someone intentionally and repeatedly causes another person injury or discomfort. 

C. When someone gives dirty looks

B. Bullying is a form of aggressive behavior in which someone intentionally and repeatedly causes another person injury or discomfort.

True or False?

Coping skills are skills we learn to manage uncomfortable feelings such as stress, anxiety, fear, anger or sadness



What does kindness mean to you?

Answers may vary.

Kindness is treating others the way you like to be treated. Being Respectful. Helping others.


What is a goal?

the object of a person's ambition or effort; an aim or desired result. What you want to accomplish.


Tell  us one step in the problem solving STEP

Say the problem respectfully

Think of Solutions

Explore Outcomes

Pick a solution


When someone uses physical force such as hitting, pushing, kicking, etc. to hurt you what type of bullying is this?

A. Physical

B. Social

C. Verbal

A. Physical

What is one coping skill that you use when you use when you have uncomfortable feelings such as anger, sadness, fear, or worry?

Answers may vary.

Talk to someone, Draw, Listen to Music, Hold a stuffed animal, Write in a Journal, Exercise, Deep breathing, etc.


Name one way that you show kindness to YOURSELF

Answers may vary.

Saying kind words to myself, taking care of my mind and body, eating healthy food, exercising, reading, spending time with friends and family, etc.


Why is goal setting important?

It helps you understand what you want to accomplish. It helps you overcome challenges and persevere. It motivates you.


When we use blame words like ALWAYS, NEVER, YOU DID IT on PURPOSE it can make the problem bigger. True or False?



What are 2 things you need to do if you are being bullied?

Tell the bully to stop

Walk Away

Tell a trusted adult


Why do we need to learn healthy coping skills when we are upset?

 Learning coping skills can help students to become better problem solvers and to better manage their emotions. This will help them to achieve better grades, improve academic achievement, better relationships with peers and family, and a healthier mental state


Name 2 ways we show kindnes to others

Answers may vary

Helping, Saying kind words, treating others with Respect, Holding the door for others, Sharing, Saying Hello, etc.


If something is difficult, why is it really important to not give up?

Answers may vary.

When we work hard at something it strengthens our brain. It helps us realize our strength and resilience. It builds character. It helps us understand how hard work can pay off. We will eventually get it when we don't give up!


What is the first think we need to do when we have accidentally (Or even if it was on purpose) hurt someone?


"I'm sorry. Are you ok? How can I help?"


If someone said something mean to you one time and it made you mad, is this bullying? Yes or No?

NO. Bullying is one-sided and is repeated over time. 


What do you need to do if you are in the red zone and feeling really angry at someone?

Answers may vary.

Calm down by walking away, drinking some water, taking some deep breaths, talking to a trusted adult


Can you tell how someone showed kindness to you today or this week?

Answers may vary.


Who can you ask for help in achieving your goals?

Teachers, Parents, Coaches, Community Members, Family Friends, Pretty much any trusted adult!


Tell us 2 ways you like to resolve conflict or problems, especially if you are having a conflict with another student?

Answers may vary:

Talk it out

Rock, Paper, Scissors

Walk away

Choose a different activity

Use you words by using an I statement- I feel ____ when you____  I need _______


If somone you know is being bullied online how should you handle it?

 Be a friend to that person. Tell an adult what is happening. Ask if that person is ok and check on them. Report what is happening to an adult!


What can you do if you are feeling really anxious or worried?

Talk to a trusted adult.

Use positive self talk and tell yourself you are Ok. 

Drink some water.


Think of a happy thought.


When you treat others with kindness, how does it make you feel and how does it make others feel?

Happy, loved, respected, GOOD :)


Tell us 2 feelings you may have when you achieve your goals?

Happy. Proud. Excited. Confident!


If you have tried to resolve the conflict with another student at least 2 different ways, but it has not been successful, what do you do now?

Get help from an adult!