Articles of Confederation
Principles of Constitution
Constitutional Convention

The number of states that needed to ratify the Constitution for it to go into effect

What is 9?

The main author of the Declaration of Independence

Who is Thomas Jefferson?


The only branch of the national government under the Articles of Confederation.

What is the legislature (Congress)?


A feature of the Constitution that requires the three branches of government to be relatively independent of each other so that one cannot control the others

What is separation of powers?


The one state that did not send any delegates to the Constitutional Convention

What is Rhode Island?


Document that argued that the best way to control the influence of factions was found in a large republic

What is Federalist No. 10?


The main Enlightenment philosopher whose ideas inspired the Declaration of Independence

John Locke


The agreement of this many states was required to amend the Articles of Confederation

What is 13?


This authority, although not included in the Constitution, was assumed by the Supreme Court as a result of the case of Marbury v. Madison (1803) 

What is judicial review/the right of the Court to determine the constitutionality of a law or action of the president


This agreement established a bicameral Congress - one in which each state has equal representation and the other in which representation is determined based upon a state's population

What is the Great (Connecticut) Compromise?


Anti-federalists were alarmed that this was not included and insisted that it be added to the U.S. Constitution

What is a bill of rights?


The natural rights identified by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence

What are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?

The number of votes that each state had in Congress under the Articles of Confederation

What is one?


An action the president can take to limit Congress's power to make laws

What is a veto?


Man referred to as the Father of the Constitution

Who is James Madison?


The authors of The Federalist Papers

Who were James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay?


The idea that restrictions should be placed on government in order to protect citizens' natural rights

What is limited government?


The uprising that convinced many Americans that a stronger national government was needed

What was Shays' Rebellion?


These two groups can propose an amendment to the U.S. Constitution

What are Congress (by a 2/3 vote in both houses) and a National Convention (requested by 2/3 of the states)


A form of government in which the people select representatives to govern them and make laws

What is a republic or representative democracy?

The people of this state were the intended audience for Brutus 1

What is New York?


The crime that those who signed the Declaration of Independence could have been executed for committing

What is treason against Great Britain?


Law passed by the Articles of Confederation Congress that created a plan for admitting new states 

What was the Northwest Ordinance?


The idea, reflected in the phrase "We the People" in the preamble to the Constitution, that government is created by and subject to the will of the people.

What is popular sovereignty?


The only group of officials that was directly elected by the people in the original Constitution

Who are the members of the House of Representatives?