
Where are you supposed to unpack each morning?

AT your desk! Everything you will need is kept AT your desk! 


What is rule #1 

Show RESPECT to teachers. Talking back, or any rudeness directed at a teacher and breaking this rule could result in a bummer.


How many pencil sharpeners are there? Where are they?

2! Both are up front under the smart board. ... but would it be very kind if you sharpen your pencil at a time when someone is speaking???? Make sure you pick a good time to sharpen! 

**You should ALWAYS make sure your pencils are sharpened during morning work!


Which of these names should you not call Mrs. Palmer?

Miss Brophy Palmer

Mrs. Palmer


Ms. Fabulous Wonderful Teacher Lady

Julie- But that is my name! You can call me that when you turn 18! :)  


What is the VERY first thing you should do each morning when you enter the classroom?

Say "Hello" or "Good morning"! It is important to start the day off right!

What is rule #2

 Follow ALL directions (your teachers will show kindness to you, and you need to show kindness to them by listening and following ALL of their directions) Breaking this rule could result in a bummer.


Where is the bathroom? When can I go? When is snack?

It is right through the Palm Park door! Please go before you come to school, before class time begins, or during our bathroom time. 

Snack is at 9:40 everyday! Should you wash your hands before you eat? Can you take your mask off to eat?

BONUS: what hand signal can you use if you need to go not during our bathroom time?? 


What do you think is Mrs. Palmer's favorite sport?


BONUS: favorite swimming stroke???


What kind of papers will you have to turn in each morning?

Papers signed by parents, notes from parents, homework, maybe reading logs


What is rule # 3?

Show you care to one another. No rude words, name calling, or bullying will ever be tolerated. Breaking this rule could result in a bummer.

* We can also show we care about one another by CORRECTLY wearing our masks!


What if I need a moment to myself?

You are allowed to take a break in the take a break area, but only with teacher permission.

Where is this area? Through the Palm Park door!


Why do you think that "extra recess" is written on the board? What in the world are shhhh tallies?

As a class, we can work together to earn a special prize! Right now, we will be working for extra recess. If you get a bunch of compliments, or days with no shh tallies, we will eventually earn that prize, earning a letter at a time. BUT if you get 5 or more shh tallies, your teacher could erase a letter.


Where can you find hand sanitizer in our room?

1. Next to the smart board

2. Under the "our work" palm tree!


What can you use instead of hand sanitizer to clean your hands?


What is rule #4?

Be KIND-- to yourself!!! You need to do your best in all parts of the school day. Your teachers are here to help you succeed and help you, especially through tough things! You never are expected to understanding everything, but you are expected to try your hardest! Breaking this rule could result in a bummer.


Where can our silent signals be found? What do they all mean?

On the back wall of the room!

-sharpen pencil 

-buy supplies 





Mrs. Palmer or your teacher will nod or shake her head at you to tell you yes or no





Where should you always put your morning work when you finish it? 

What happens if you don't finish your morning work in the morning? 

In your (under the chair) basket!  

It needs to be completed by the next morning-- you will turn it in when you complete it (you may have a chance to complete it during the day, or you may have to finish it at home)


What is rule #5? 

What is rule #6? 

5. Stay safe! You need to be kind to your own body, and keep yourself safe. Hands should stay to ourselves at all times, we should always look both ways when crossing a road (especially at PE!) and you need to wash your hands/ sanitize A LOT! Breaking this rule could result in a bummer. 

*challenge* How spread apart should we remain from our friends outside?

6. HAVE FUN! You are at school for a long time each day, be kind to yourself and allow learning to be fun. If you have a positive attitude, you will have tons of fun all year long! 


How does lunch work this year?

This year we will be in our classrooms for lunchtime. You get to each lunch with ME- yay! The first 15 minutes of lunch will be for eating only - not socializing! The rest of the lunch period is for socializing, fun, and cool activities!

*Challenge* Why should we eat without talking first? Is 15 minutes enough time?


What is the best grade in the whole world???