How old am I?
What is my husband's name?
How many years have I been at Hoover?
This is my fourth year.
What are 3 behaviors that will help you pass this class?
Everyone should be able to pass <3
Rarely gone or tardy
Try your hardest
Use your work time wisely
Ask questions
See Mrs. Schooley to get caught up!
How should you treat my materials?
Put them away and try not to break them!
Bonus: If you ask, there is a good chance I will get you materials if you need them.
What is my full name?
Ashley Ray Schooley Hammen
What is my baby's name?
Double points for full name!
Allan Joseph Hammen
How many years have I been teaching?
7th year
What colleges did I go to that helped me be a good teacher?
Indian hills
Grand View
Buena Vista
Can you have food?
Of course, let's keep it to a snack basis. No footlong sandwiches.
When is my birthday?
What is my zodiac sign?
July 8th
How many siblings do I have?
2 Brothers: Colton and TJ
1 sister: Haley
What classes do I teach?
Personal health
Healthy relationships
Nutrition and food prep 1
Nutrition and food prep 2
Can you help create lessons?
Yes please! What recipes should we cook? What is a part of health you would like to learn more about?
When is the BEST time to go to the bathroom?
before or after class is the best!!
Reminders: 10/10 rule set by HOOVER
What are three things I like to do in my free time?
read, eat, sleep, binge watch shows, hangout with friends, family or husband!
How many nieces and nephews do I have?
5 nieces:Ember, Nadine, Kenna, Ginger, Leah
4 nephews: Cole, Nelson, Walter, Landon
Angel babies: Nolan and Halle
What day can you meet with me after school?
Thursdays from 3:20-3:50
How do you receive a seating chart?
More than 18% of the class failing
Less than 58% with A/Bs
unsuccessful behaviors
When do you need to use the "where you at binder"?
Tardy, bathroom, drink, locker
What sport do I still coach?
What is my favorite animal?
When can you work with me during lunch?
Tuesdays and Thursdays
How many times can you leave the classroom?
2 times a week. (locker, nurse, drink, tardies) ONLY 2.
Can you have your phones in this class?
NO! There are no phones bell to bell. They have to be in a locker, backpack, or you can even keep them on my desk.
Not a pocket either!