What is our Reading Response Notebook?
Our reading response notebook will help us think more about what we are reading. Let's put it together!
How do we earn row points and class points?
By following directions, being on task, and doing other things that Mrs. Stembridge asks
How do we line up and walk in the hall?
We will line up inside our classroom in number order (except for the line leader and the caboose). Once everyone is lined up, we will walk in the hall. We will have 2 checkpoints in the hallway. Let's try it!
What is the 5 Star Review Wall?
The 5 star review wall is at the back of our classroom. It's a wall where we can put nice things about each other. Put the reviews in the "5 Star Review Basket" and Mrs. Stembridge will hang them up! Let's all write one now.
Do we use computers in our classroom?
We will use computers in our classroom. Every person has their own computer with a number. Make sure to plug your computer back into the correct slot when you are finished using it. At the end of each day, the technology support helpers will make sure all computers are plugged in. You can only use computers if you ask Mrs. Stembridge!
What should the inside of my desk look like? Can I put other things in my desk? What should the top of my desk look like?
Books, notebooks, folders, and your whiteboard should be on the left. Headphones are in the middle. Your tote with small things is on the right. You can put other things in your desk as long as it does not get messy. The top of your desk should be clear except for a water bottle.
Do we have a class library?
Yes, we have a class library! You may check out any books that you want to as long as you fill out a card for them. Some books have cards inside and some books you have to fill out the card separately. Give the card to the class librarian and they will give it to me.
What do we do at the end of the day?
At the end of the day we will load any homework into our homework folders and into our backpacks. Our desks must be clean on top and underneath. The clean up crew will come around and inspect each desk before dismissal. No one leaves the classroom before Mrs. Stembridge dismisses you.
What is partner talk?
Partner talk is when you turn and talk to your partners about things that Mrs. Stembridge asks you to. Each partner has a name so we can make it easy to pick whos turn it is. When we partner talk we look at each other, one person talks at a time, and the other person listens. Let's try it!
What do I do when I'm finished and ready to hand my work in?
You each have a hand in cubby with your number on it. Just turn in your best work to your cubby!
When can I fill up my water bottle?
Your water bottle should be filled up before class starts each day. We won't have time to leave class to fill them up. You can also fill them up at lunch time or recess.
Can I have snacks in class?
You can bring snacks in your backpack and I will give you a short snack break. No messy snacks!
What happens if I need another pencil?
When you need another pencil, you can either bring one from home or you can buy one with class money. If you need to sharpen your pencil, wait until Mrs. Stembridge is finished talking. Make sure you have a sharpened pencil every day when you arrive.
When Mrs. Stembridge starts counting down from 5, what does that mean?
When Mrs. Stembridge starts counting down from 5 it means that by the time she gets to 0, the room should be quiet and whatever task she is asking for should be done. Let's practice!
What do I do if I miss school and missed doing my work?
Your work will be waiting for you on your desk. Make sure you do your work for any days that you missed.
Can I touch other people's things or Mrs. Stembridge's things?
Do you like it when people touch your things without asking?
Do we have class money and a class store?
Yes! Our money is called "Bridge Bucks". You will receive $5 each Monday. If you don't have any missing assignments on Friday morning, you get another $5. You can also get money for doing extra things that Mrs. Stembridge asks.
Our class store will be every Friday at the end of the day! At the end of the year, we will have a fun class auction!
What if I need to go to the bathroom?
If you need to go to the bathroom, raise your hand. If you can wait, wait until after instruction time. Once you get permission, grab a hall pass from the back desk and take it with you.
If it's an emergency, just go!
Can I write Mrs. Stembridge a note?
If you have something you want to write to me or a suggestion for our classroom, just write me a note and put it in the mailbox!
When I go to another classroom for math, how do I act?
What are all of the things in my desk?
When someone else enters our room we should continue working on whatever we are working on. The less disruptions the better!
What do I do when I come into the classroom?
Once you enter the classroom, you should be talking quietly and walking, not running or being crazy. Make sure you select if you have home or school lunch. Put your backpack away. Make sure you have a sharpened pencil and your water bottle is filled. Complete anything that is on your desk for you to do. Once those things are done, you may have free time to quietly visit, read, or draw.
Do we have class jobs and what are they?
Yes! We have class jobs. Let's go over them.
What is power position?
Power position is when you are sitting up straight, looking forward, and you are ready to listen.